Sunday, 2 April 2023

#BLOGCHATTERA2Z2023 -Bonding with beetroot


Bonding with beetroot


The beetroot is a root vegetable grown all over the world. The botanical name of beetroot is Beta vulgaris.  It is either deep red or purple. Americans know it as ‘beet’ while the English refer to the vegetable as ‘beetroot.’

On Your plate:

Every part of the beetroot from the stem to the bulb is edible. It is the deep red or purple root of the beetroots that are generally steamed, boiled, roasted or added to salads in their raw form. The young leaves are also added to salads, while the more mature ones are boiled or steamed.  The beetroot is also juiced or used to make a tasty beetroot soup. Indian cuisine turns the beetroot into a lip-smacking side dish. Beetroot pachadi is one such dish.

A salad I enjoy:

One grated beetroot

A handful of freshly grated coconut

2 tomatoes


Dates to sweeten as per your taste or jaggery

Juice of a lime

The first four ingredients are to be ground to a paste and mixed with the grated beetroot. Throw in a handful of raw moong bean sprouts.

Health benefits:

·        The beetroot is rich in nitrates which can help lower blood pressure and improve heart health.

·        The compound betaine in beetroot helps to improve reduce inflammation and improve heart health.

·        Beetroots are a great source of antioxidants which can prevent cell damage and lower the risk of chronic diseases like Cancer.

·        Beetroot contains iron and folate which help in maintaining healthy blood levels and in preventing birth defects during pregnancy.


It’s not too late

To get that beet on your plate

Raw, steamed or juiced

Beetroot is simply great food. 

(Kindly check with your healthcare provider, if the vegetable is new to you.)

This post is part of#BlogchatterA2Z2023


  1. It is new to me that Beetroot can improve heart rate and is good for blood pressure. I like Beetroot orchid a lot and at home we make Beetroot side dish quite often. Your posts are very informative.

    1. Thanks and good to know that it is part of your diet.

  2. As much as I loved that poem, the only way I can eat a beetroot is in a red velvet cake :D

    1. At least some beetroot is going in, nevermind that it is through cake.😉😊

  3. I eat beetroot in all its possible avatars since my wife is apparently a fan of the vegetable. I think I have started to like it too in my old age.

    1. Glad to know.Better late than never and cheers to your wife.

  4. I love cooking with beetroot. I love to make parathas or kebabs.

  5. The only forms of beetroot I enjoy are the chips and the cake :P


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