Friday, 7 April 2023


  •  Garlic is good. 

Garlic is a flavouring agent used in kitchens all around the world. Garlic comes from the Allium family and is closely related to Onions, Shallots and Leeks. It is thought that garlic originated in India and Egypt 5000 years ago and some researchers suggest that Garlic was used in China 4000 years ago. Besides being put to culinary use, garlic is also prized for the medicinal benefits that it offers. It has been used as a spice and medicine since the dawn of time.

Garlic grows underground in the form of a bulb. Its long green shoots produce flower stalks called Garlic scapes which are edible. Garlic is encased in an inedible white papery skin an the bulb or head is comprised of individual sections called cloves. There are 10 to 20 cloves per head. The cloves too are covered by that papery skin that needs to be removed. The easiest method to remove the skin from a clove is to press down on it with the flat side of a large knife to get the best benefits of garlic when it is crushed, pureed or grated than when it is sliced. Mortar and pestle work very well to crush garlic.  I use more crushed garlic. Garlic contains Allicin. Allicin is one of garlic's primary active compounds and gives garlic its distinctive flavour and aroma. 

Health benefits: 

  • Boosts the body's immune system - Has anti-viral and antibacterial properties that boost the immune system.
  • Helps to reduce high blood pressure- Reduces high blood pressure through its ability to relax blood vessels.
  • Reduces Cholesterol  - The active components in garlic reduce bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol 
  • Helps to fight respiratory disorders - the anti-viral properties of garlic help in reducing the severity of colds and other respiratory illnesses. 
  • Fighting against certain types of Cancer  - The compounds in garlic help to fight and prevent certain types of cancer like Colorectal and stomach Cancer. 
  • Improves bone health - Again the compounds in garlic are said to improve bone density while reducing the risk of Osteoarthritis. 
Garlic on your plate: 

In Indian cooking, garlic is an integral part of tadkas.

Garlic is added to soups, sauces and stir-fries besides being part of dishes that are baked, roasted and braised, while also being added to marinades. 

Garlic is also available in powder form. 

So go for that clove of garlic!

This post is part of the blogchatterA2Z challenge. 


  1. Being a Vaishnav and growing up in Gujarat, we didn't use much garlic in our every day cooking. I remember my father getting ek-kali-ka-lahsun from Jammu that is good for the heart. However, after moving to Mumbai, I use garlic freely in my cooking, I love the flavour, and of course the health benefits are an added plus.

  2. Garlic is an integral part of Kerala cuisine and I must say I love the flavour of it.


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