Thursday, 5 September 2024

The Things I Love About Life

 The Things I Love About Life


Despite the many forms of ugliness prevalent in the world and the curve balls and lemons that life throws at me, testing my resilience and strength I love that life is still good to me and offers me so much in terms of beauty, joy and connection which makes the journey worthwhile. I enjoy all the material trappings that life provides, but there is so much more that doesn’t’ cost a penny, that life allows me to enjoy.

"What do I love about life?"


Family and friends:

I was born into a family that loved and cared for me. My parents inculcated values that have held me in good stead. I have been blessed with a good spouse and two great children. Despite the many challenges that we have faced, we are still family. I can boast of some beautiful friendships that have stood the test of time, distance and other factors. Life is beautiful. Besides loved ones, life sometimes sends strangers in strangers to help you. Such memorable moments. 


The beauty of nature:

Life has allowed me to enjoy the beauty of Mother Earth. From the oceans, forests,  mountains, flora and fauna to the trees outside my window, it truly is a beautiful world. It’s lovely to wake up to sunshine each morning or to gaze at the silvery moon and the stars at night. I love the walks I can take in the numerous parks and gardens, as I commune with nature. 


Learning and Growth:

 Life has presented me with quite a few lemons, but with each lemon, there has been an opportunity for learning and growth. Each challenge has made me wiser and stronger. Life does not stunt my growth. It allows me to forge ahead, to try again and try the new.



I’ve never gone to bed hungry. Besides home food, I  also enjoy the luxury of trying out various cuisines at home and when dining out.


Adventure and travel:

I am a travel buff and life allows me to explore my motherland and beyond treating me to scenic beauty, monuments, adventure, new cultures and perspectives.


Creativity and Expression:

Life offers me mediums to create and express my thoughts. To name a few, there is art, music and writing through which I can convey my thoughts and emotions to the world.


Laughter and Smiles:

Life ensures that precious moments bring a smile to my face or big fat guffaws of heartwarming laughter.



When I plunge into darkness and despair, life sends me those precious glimmers of hope which help me stay afloat. These beacons of light guide me during the fiercest of storms and give me the courage and strength to keep moving.


life has provided for the bookworm in me. There are so many books and so little time. A book a day keeps the blues away. Life has given me books in all forms. I'm spoilt for choice. 

Only focusing on the difficult parts of life, is miserable. Finding joy in life is going to make me happier and healthier.


What are your favourite things about life? 

This post is part of the BlogChatterHalfMarathon2024

Image credits : picture gallery of ' yours truly.' 



  1. I love movies, series, books and keeping myself as the first priority (this one was added very recently) is my at present favorite things in my life.

    1. Thank you for commenting Preetha. Making yourself a priority is important. Take care.

  2. My favourite things are similar to yours and my default state is always happiness but this depression monster doesn't let go of me. I just want to live a normal life. I have had my share of grief, traumas and I am really tired of fighting anymore.

  3. Thank you for stopping by and yes, true that what your parents teach you will stay with you till the end of time.

  4. I'm happy that you read my post. I guess we all experience depression at some time or the other, me included but we have to take care not to let it get the better of us. Do take care Harpreet.

  5. You're indeed blessed. I don't have so many favs. My books, cats, some flower plants... Well, not much.


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