Monday, 9 September 2024

Habits to Start Your Day With.

 Habits to start your day with


How you begin your day sets the tone for the rest of the day. Incorporating a few good and effective habits helps you have a more positive and productive day. Here are a few habits that help you with the same. One size doesn’t fit all, so find what works for you and incorporate them into your lifestyle.


·       Connect with nature - Open the blinds and look outside on waking up. Connect with the peaceful morning hours, letting in the fresh air and natural light, weather permitting. Resist the urge to grab your phone.

·       Prayer – Whisper a prayer of gratitude. Be thankful for the big and small blessings in your life. Repeat positive affirmations to motivate and boost your confidence for the day.

·       Make your bed – Making your bed sets your tone for the day. It is the first task of the day that you have accomplished which in turn will help you with other tasks. A well-made bed gives your room a neat, clean and relaxed look.

·       Hydrate – Drinking water the first thing in the morning, refreshes you. Reach for water before you can reach for your cup of tea or coffee.  Water also flushes out accumulated toxins and aids digestion.

·       Exercise – Getting on the treadmill, early in the morning might not suit everyone. You need to do just 5 minutes of stretches and bends to get yourself moving. Something is better than nothing.

·       Meditate - - Practice meditation or mindfulness. Meditation reduces your stress levels and calms your mind. It takes you to a place of peace.

·       Wake up at the same time every morning – Everyone is not an early bird but find a time that suits you and try waking up at that time every morning and going to sleep at a set time every night. The body gets into a rhythm that impacts your health positively. Waking up at different times will throw your day into disarray.

·       Reading – Reading is a great way to start your day. You could be inspired or informed thus boosting your creativity levels.

Setting a morning routine need not be challenging. A few do’s and don’ts in the morning will help you take on the day and make it a productive and positive day. Taking baby steps and gradually building up a routine would do you well. Experiment with different habits and find out what works for you. 

Which of these habits resonate with you or do you have another habit that works for you? 

This post is part of the #BlogchatterHalfMarathon2024

Image credit -From the personal collection of yours truly. 


  1. A refreshing post! The habit of connecting with nature and resisting the urge to grab the phone is something I too try to practise. I don't check my phone for nearly two hours after I wake up. I am not into meditation as in setting apart some fixed time for it. I try to relax and recharge as and when I get the time.
    (My latest post: UK Tour 10 - London city)

    1. Thank you for your appreciation. It's good to know that you have already incorporated many of the habits mentioned.

  2. Very useful tips ! Healthy Habits are a must !

    1. Thank you for stopping by. I'm glad you liked the post.

  3. Enjoyed reading. Since morning is hectic for me. I do few things like making my bed, hydrating and prayer and connecting with nature Reading mostly in the post work hours.

  4. Just wow! You know I was doing most of them one upon a time but now I am kinda lost. I have to restart them with baby steps again. Your post actually reminded me of my good all days and all its benefits had reaped. Thank you for encouraging me. Nice connecting with you.

    1. I'm glad that the post has inspired you to take those baby steps again. Thank you for the appreciation.

  5. I always make it a point to read before I sit down for the day to do my work. Loved your "make your bed" point. Such a simple task but so important.

    1. You are a bookworm to the core and I am so happy to hear that. Thank you for stopping by.


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