Friday, 28 April 2023


 Yellow Capsicum - Go yellow!

Yellow Bell Peppers are simply green bell peppers that have matured. The difference in colour of red green orange and yellow bell peppers is on account of their maturity and ripeness. The green peppers are the unripe ones, being plucked prematurely. Red peppers are the ripest of all. They require more time to grow and thus are also priced highly.  the yellow ones fall somewhere in the middle. Red and yellow peppers contain twice the amount of vitamin C than their younger sibling, green pepper. As they ripen, peppers vary in nutritional content. 

Yellow peppers are botanically called Capsicum annuum and belong to the Nightshade family. They are native to Tropical America, growing since ancient times. The Spanish and Portuguese explorers brought Yellow Peppers to Asia and Europe around 1493. Besides the element of crunch that they add to food, they are loaded with vitamins and antioxidants they are said to have a higher number of nutrients than the other varieties of peppers.

HealthBenifits of Yellow Pepper:

  • The antioxidants in yellow bell peppers fight free radicals that cause harm to the skin and body, while also causing cell damage.
  • The antioxidants and dietary fibre in yellow peppers detoxify and regulate body function.
  • Capsaicin present in yellow peppers help to manage Arthritis.
  • The antioxidants in yellow peppers also lower LDL levels which does your heart good. 
  • Yellow Bell peppers meet the potassium requirements of the body. 
  • Yellow bell peppers are loaded with vitamin C which strengthens immunity and fights coughs and colds. 
  • The antioxidants in yellow peppers help keep the skin looking younger and flawless while keeping wrinkles and fine lines at bay. 

On Your Plate:
  • The crunchy, juicy, mild-tasting yellow pepper can be enjoyed raw with a dash of salt and sour lime. 
  • Yellow bell peppers are often tossed into salads and stir-fries. 
  • Can be stuffed or can be grilled and roasted too. 
  • Forms an ingredient in sauces and salsas.

My favourite is thinly sliced raw yellow bell pepper with a dash of salt and sour lime. 

This post is part of the Blogchatter A2Z2023 challenge.

Consult with your healthcare provider before incorporating yellow pepper into your diet. 

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