Wednesday, 5 April 2023


 Exercise Your Way to Health

Lifestyle coach and nutritionist Luke Coutinho says that our bodies were made to move. A sedentary lifestyle is not what our bodies were designed for. Our parents and grandparents walked many many miles more than us, and were more active and this kept better health. Today with 'E-commerce" and "work from home" we miss out on that dose of exercise. Our cell phones, add fuel to the fire. Gone are the days when we raced from one corner of the room or house to take call on the landline. 

All is not lost, Where there is a will, there is a way and you just need to make that effort and be determined to incorporate regular exercise into your daily routine. Exercise is not only your daily workout. Exercise is all about being consistently active in your home or workplace. Luke advocates the concept of N.E.A.T or Non- Exercise Activity Thermogenesis for sustainable weight loss. 

Some examples of NEAT include:

  • Walking during phone calls (20 mins post breakfast, lunch, and dinner).
  • Squat to pick up something from the floor, and stretch to open a cupboard.
  • Park your car further away from a parking spot, so you can get additional steps.
  • Choose to walk instead of drive, if you have to go to a place nearby.
  • Stretch and fidget in between work.
  • Stand up and stretch while watching TV or even do a wall-sit!
  • Chair stretches.
  • Calf raises while standing to cook.
  • At the airport and have lots of time on your hands? Walk and get some steps.
  • A few hip opening or back bending asanas during the day.
  • Do your own dishes.
  • Make your own bed in the morning and at night.
  • Calf raises while brushing your teeth.

The lifestyle coach opines that all the above exercises are doable, irrespective of the nature of your job or how busy you are. 

Thus in a nutshell how does exercise benefit you? 

  • Helps you maintain a healthy weight
  • boosts your energy levels
  • Improves mental clarity and mood
  • Improves cardiovascular health
  • Helps maintain blood pressure levels. 
Whether you prefer to simply go for a brisk walk or if you choose to work out in a gym or work out at home, consistency is the key to achieving your fitness goals. Don't forget to include a day of rest too.  Choosing a fitness buddy or joining a fitness community will motivate you to improve your health. It's never too late to get started. 


This post is part of the A2Zblogchatter2023 challenge.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful reminder. We need to exercise everyday. Just to stay sane and nothing else.


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