Tuesday, 11 April 2023


 Jackfruit Joys. 

The Jackfruit tree grows in Asia, Africa and South America. It is commonly found growing in the western ghats in India.  The botanical name of the Jackfruit tree is Artocarpus Hetrophyllus It belongs to the same family as figs and mulberries. Under the green rind lies a stringy yellow flesh that can be eaten ripe or when raw it is cooked in curries. Jackfruit is the largest tree-borne fruit in the world weighing almost 40 pounds or more. Besides being delicious and versatile Jackfruit is relatively inexpensive in some countries like Bangladesh, where it also happens to be the national fruit.  Jackfruit is commonly used as a substitute for meat and used in curries and stews. The fruit, leaf, wood and bark form ingredients in traditional medicine. 

Some Health benefits: 

  • Jackfruit contributes to heart health with its content of potassium, fibre and antioxidants. Potassium combats the negative effects of sodium on blood pressure while fibre lowers cholesterol levels. 
  • Jackfruit contains vitamin C which studies have shown can prevent inflammation. Lignans and phytonutrients in Jackfruit also help fight inflammation.  
  • The extract from the leaf helps in healing wounds.  
  • Jackfruit is a good source of fibre and keeps you fuller longer besides promoting regular bowel movements. 
  • The high vitamin C content protects the skin from sun damage.
  • Jackfruit is said to improve eye health as it contains nutrients like beta-carotene. Beta carotene gets converted to vitamin A.
  • Jackfruit helps with anaemia as it contains vitamins A, C and which are good for blood production.
  • Aids bone health with its calcium and magnesium content. 
Jackfruit seeds: 
The seeds of jackfruit also have health benefits. 
  • The seeds are loaded with thiamin and riboflavin which help in turning food eaten into energy and keep your eyes, skin and hair healthy. 
  • The seeds also contain small amounts of zinc, iron, copper calcium, potassium and magnesium. 
  • Grinding jackfruit seeds to a paste in cold milk and applying it on the skin is said to fight wrinkles. 
The seeds are edible and can be boiled or roasted and eaten as a snack or even put into a curry. or prepared as a dry dish combined with other vegetables like a potato. 

Jackfruit may not agree with all people, so take care. 

This post is part of the BlogchatterA2Zchallenge 2023

1 comment:

  1. In North India, people have no idea that jackfruit can be so sweet and eaten when ripe! I am a Bengali who loves jackfruit both ripe and raw. We need to spread the info about foods all across!


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