Saturday, 22 April 2023

BlogchatterA2Z2023 challenge

 Tomatoes are terrific!

Tomatoes (solanum lycopersicum) is a fruit from the nightshade family native to South America. Botanically the tomato is a fruit because it fits the botanical description of a fruit. It is the fleshy part of the plant that surrounds its seeds. However, for nutritional and culinary purposes, the tomato is a vegetable. 

(Nightshade is a family of plants that include tomatoes, peppers, potatoes and eggplant and tobacco) Nightshades contain small amounts of alkaloids. Alkaloids are chemicals found in plants. While some alkaloids will have a positive effect on the human body, others, like the ones present in tobacco will have a negative effect,)

  • Tomatoes generally turn red when they mature they are also available in a variety of colours including yellow orange, green and purple. 
  • Tomatoes are 95%  water and 5% carbohydrates and fibre. 
  • Tomatoes are often harvested when green and immature and ripened artificially. This may adversely affect the flavour and taste.
  • Tomatoes are heavily laden with the carotenoid Lycopene. Lycopene gives tomatoes its red colour and has many health benefits.  
  • Studies show that the content of lycopene increases when tomatoes are cooked. 
  • Tomatoes can be grown hydroponically in a water-based nutrient solution, rather than soil. 

Why tomatoes are good for You: 
  • The antioxidant Lycopene can protect against diseases like Alzheimer's
  • A tomato-rich diet reduces the risk of heart disease. 
  • The water content and dietary fibres found in tomato aid healthy bowel movement and support hydration. 
  • Some studies show that the antioxidant properties of Lycopene contribute to the prevention of type 2 diabetes. 
  • Lycopene and beta-carotene have been shown to possess anti-cancer properties
  • The vitamin C in beta carotene in tomato juice supports immunity. 

On Your Plate:

  • In your sandwich
  • Tossed into a salad
  • A tangy chutney or pickle
  • Eaten raw as a snack
  • tomato ketchup 
  • The base of a gravy   
  • Spicy hot tomato rasam(my favourite)                 

Steer clear of tomatoes if they cause you problems or consult with your health care provider. 

This post is part of the blogchatterA2Z 2023 challenge.


  1. My favorite veg. Or is it a fruit? 😊

  2. Tomato is one of my favourite fruits. I love it in my salads!


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