Thursday, 27 April 2023

#BlogchatterA2Z2023 challenge

 Xmas cake with a twist

A lot of work goes into a  traditional  Xmas cake, but the end result …" you can't stop eating. All your hard work pays off. 

Health forced me to forego the pleasure of partaking in this cake feast and I was sad. However, now knowing how much harm certain foods can do, and at the same time not wanting to be deprived of the pleasure of eating cake at Xmas, my husband and I together with guidance from the nutritionist have tweaked the Xmas cake to suit our needs. 

Almond flour/ banana flour replaces refined flour, cold-pressed coconut oil stands in for rich butter, and jaggery takes the place of sugar. We have ditched the preserve and go with some amount of nuts and dry fruit. Eggs are in, but the free-range kind.

Believe me, the cake turns out delicious and you miss out on nothing. This

cake is baked on festivals and family occasions. 

This post is part of the Blogchatter A2Z2023 challenge. 


  1. What's Xmas without the cake? 👍

  2. Exactly! And I have a hopeless sweet tooth. Something better than nothing!


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