Monday, 3 June 2024

Social responsibilities you became aware of as an adult

 Being an adult is not all fun and games. I may enjoy a certain kind of freedom but adulthood also brings with it certain duties and responsibilities that must be taken seriously or I am still a child in the garb of an adult. As an adult, I am expected to behave and speak in a certain way and I list below my social and personal responsibilities. 


·         Managing Finance  - I must have my finances in order as I budget and invest. I must contribute to meeting household expenses if I am employed and live with my parents; my husband and I both did. 

·         Accountability – I am accountable for all that I do and say. Playing the blame game within the family or community doesn’t speak well of me.

·       Living in harmony – I am part of a larger community. Hence I must strive to live in peace and harmony with my neighbours and resolve conflicts.  Being part of a community also calls for respecting the rights of others, and being tolerant, trustworthy,  self–disciplined and helpful.

CCaring for the environment – My responsibility as an adult would certainly extend to caring for the environment. I ‘need to incorporate ‘Reduce, reuse and recycle into my lifestyle while educating others about the same. Conserving water, using less plastic, and being a plant parent would be on my list.      

MMaking decisions on my own - When it comes to matters of the heart or decisions regarding career choices or finance, I listen to suggestions and advice, but at the end of the day, I have to take the final call. 


What would figure in your list of responsibilities? 

Image credit - Google images




  1. Growing into an adult is not at all fun but we can always carry on the social resonsibilities for a better wotld tomorrow.

  2. I really liked what you said about accountability. We aren't accountable enough to ourselves.


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