Friday, 26 January 2024

Your Mantra For A good Night's Sleep

 Sleep Like a Baby

This one is close to my heart as ill health and the subsequent guidance revealed to me the importance of sleep.

Sleep is a human need and an inbuilt mechanism. Research today indicates the importance of sleep and its link to the immune system. Sleep rejuvenates, strengthens and repairs our immune system. If you aren’t getting the recommended 8 hours of sleep you are putting yourself at a risk of illness and disease. You may be eating right and exercising right, but if you are sleep-deprived, you are damaging your immune system in a big way. Besides you need to sleep to function effectively.  Of the 24 hours that have been given to us, we must put aside 8 hours for sleep.

Healing and recovery take place when the body is at complete rest. So get your ZZZZ and if you can’t, here are a few tips that could help you get that good night of rest.


Gadget Free Time – Disconnect from all gadgets an hour before bedtime. Melatonin, a sleep and immunity-boosting hormone is activated only in the dark. The blue light from the screen hinders the production of Melatonin. That golden hour can be used to meditate, read, write or work on your breathing.

Breathing – Breathwork is a simple and effective way to reduce stress levels and transfer into rest mode.  Left nostril breathing in particular works like magic. Sit straight, close your right nostril and inhale and exhale from your left nostril for 15 to 20 counts. It may take time to see results but consistency is the key.

 Darken your room – Turn off lights. Slivers of light may creep in from here and there but do as much as possible. Wear eye pads if you must. It is important to wake up to sunlight which helps regulate our circadian rhythm. Try to avoid looking at your phone for at least an hour after waking up. Devote the time to prayer, meditation exercise and anything that may build you up for the day.

Maintaining a consistent bedtime–Train your body to sleep at the same time every day. Irregular sleep timings confuse the body.

Start your day with sunlight and fresh air. Keep the phone away for at least an hour. Focus on prayer, meditation exercises and anything that may build you up for the day.

      Additionally, eating a light dinner at least 2 hours before bedtime and incorporating movement into your daily routine is sure to promote better sleep.  

In conclusion, getting a good night’s sleep should be a priority. By implementing these tips, you can improve the quality of your sleep and strengthen your immune system to ward off disease. A lifestyle change will help you get off sleep medications and enjoy a good night’s sleep.

Remember, giving sleep the importance it deserves can make a significant difference to your overall health. 

This post is a part of the weekly Blogchatter bloghop prompt. 

Image from Unsplash.

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  1. Making your room warm and ready to sleep is a good habit. It also keeps your senses calm and once you are happy with your surroundings, your brain likes to start the sleeping process.

  2. Ah consistent time of sleep is so important. I realize this only in my 30s.

  3. I prefer a gentle, dim light iin my bedroom. I keep one light on outside and its light filters in through the curtains. I feel comfortable as I get up more than once during sleep.


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