Friday, 1 March 2024

Four Values That I believe In.

 Honesty – Honesty is the best policy but a rare commodity today. When you are honest, you have more credibility. People can trust you and communicate with you better. When you maintain absolute transparency in your dealings, you endear yourself to others. Honesty may come with a price. You may not receive honesty in return. It’ 's a big bad world out there and some people are waiting, ready to take advantage of you.

Kindness – Kindness is about treating others the way you would want them to treat you. It’s about treating others with respect, patience and thoughtfulness. Kindness is also about lifting others up and helping those in difficult predicaments without expecting anything in return. 


Integrity – If you are a person of integrity you will act and speak according to your beliefs. You are trustworthy and incorruptible and will firmly adhere to a code of conduct. When your actions do not match up to your words, you are being hypocritical. If you are not comfortable, you would have to change your beliefs, actions or words.

Gratitude – Being grateful adds so much value to your life. When you give thanks for even the tiniest of blessings, it creates such good vibes and adds to your goodwill. Just as you appreciate the goodness of God and of others in your life, others too will appreciate your presence in their lives.

When gratitude is important to you, you make time to express it in your words, your attitude or your actions. You might maintain a gratitude journal and write down the blessings for the day. As we are so wont to complain about the dark days in our lives, we must also take time to be thankful for the sunshine and warmth that is bestowed on us.


Forgiveness- Forgiveness means letting go of the hurt that someone may he inflicted on you. It does not mean making light of the person's offence but acknowledging that even though the person has hurt you, you are reclaiming your power choosing happiness and peace for yourself, instead of wallowing in a pool of misery, stress and resentment.

Everyone can hurt and forgive but not everyone can cultivate the virtue of forgiveness.

In conclusion, Honesty, integrity, gratitude, forgiveness and kindness are essential values that can enhance the quality of our lives and the quality of our relationships with others. 
It may not always be easy but living by these principles and values helps us to make the world a better place. 

What are the values that are important to you? 

Image from Pixabay

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