Tuesday, 5 March 2024

Living Room Banter

 The piano looked at the new smart TV that had just been mounted on the wall and sneered to itself, " Oh! that's another screen for the family to watch, and a big one too. How they spoil their eyes!"

The piano greeted the TV condescendingly, "Hi! Welcome to the living room, so you're going to be providing some more entertainment to the family."
"Ah yes," replied the TV smugly,  "the poor things are so tired at the end of the day, they just long to put their feet up and relax." "I have so much to offer. "Just to inform you, I am a SMART TV which means that I am a combination of a television, computer and digital media players with an integrated Internet connection."  

The piano smirked -"Oh Yes! That's quite a package."  

The TV asked,  "What do you offer?"

The piano proudly replied,  "Music, beautiful music. I'm the baby of the house. "I'm a baby grand piano and the love of my master's life. He just can't get enough of me. He's learnt to play me and prefers to practice on me rather than my cousin, the electronic piano.  What can you do besides making a lot of noise?"

The TV retorted - "You said and I say, I have so many different channels. I can make people laugh, sing, dance. I educate, entertain and inform. You can only produce music." 

The piano boasted-  "One must know and love music to appreciate the music that I can make."

The TV replied - "You must agree that we both can produce music but in different ways.  You have to be played to make music and I just have to be turned on to make music. Getting you to  sound good requires so much effort and skill and when you are being played I have to be switched off."

The piano quipped - "People must attend classes to learn how to play me and some even take the exams, while you, you are just an old dumb box...Idiot box they call you." "Anybody can turn you off and on."
 The TV shrugged and said, "Ho hum! Let's not squabble. We are of use in our own ways. "You are 'grand' and I am 'smart' and if we are to exist in the same room, let's exist peacefully. Peace is the need of the hour. Let's make peace instead of war." 

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