Sunday, 14 January 2024

Adulting hacks I swear By

 Any kind of transition always has teething problems but in time you get around the transition and settle down. Transitioning to adulthood and maintaining an adult mindset requires effort. Adulting is a continuous learning process bringing with it a fair share of challenges. Read on to discover hacks that help you transition or improve the quality of your life as an adult. 


Wake up to reality: Remain disconnected from the virtual world for at least an hour when you wake up. Pray, meditate and read to set your mind for the day. Mindless scrolling and sending wishes do nothing for the health of your brain.

Exercise – “Movement is medicine,” say wellness coaches. So move, move, and move. Schedule a time for exercise and choose a physical activity that you enjoy.

Cultivate a hobby –Paint, dance, sing, get a plant or a fish. Hobbies reduce stress and promote relaxation.

Manage your finances – Take control of your spending habits. Minimize extravagance. In my home, the expenses for the day are noted down daily in a diary. Once at the end of the month, we know how much we have spent during the month. A friend recently realised that she had gone swipe-happy. 2024 sees her carrying a limited amount of cash and less plastic.  “It was so easy to swipe,” she said.

Prioritize health – Your health is your greatest wealth – Take the necessary precautions and examinations. Don’t self–medicate. Make the required changes in your lifestyle, eat healthy to the best of your ability and laugh. Clichéd as it may be, laughter is the best medicine.

Stay organized – Staying organised helps you achieve your goals, maintain a good work-life balance, reduce stress and enhance your focus. Make lists, make your bed, wash your dishes and do your laundry as promptly as you can. Additionally, reducing clutter helps to maintain a clean and organized environment.

Taking ownership – As an adult, you are called to take responsibility and ownership for your actions and words, be humble enough to apologise and stop playing the blame game.

Don’t force people to like you – it is okay if people don’t like you. Everyone is entitled to their preferences and opinions.  You have nothing to lose by being yourself.

Learn to say “no” – It’s important to prioritize your time and energy and say “no” when necessary. You cannot please all the people all the time.  Saying no helps you avoid feeling overwhelmed and overcommitted.

Meal Preparation – Planning your meals and getting together the ingredients in advance gives you so much more time. You will not go around like you have a bee in your bonnet. Relaxed will be the mood and tone for the day.

Professional development- Don’t stop learning. Keep yourself updated and enhance your skills by attending seminars, webinars and workshops.

Have Fun- Being an adult doesn’t mean you have to walk around with a long face and work, work, work. Make time for fun. The same old will tell upon you in time. Meeting up with friends, watching a movie or indulging in a little self-love does wonders for your body, mind and spirit.

Happy Adulting!

I would love to hear about hacks that work for you. 

This post is part of the weekly Blogchatter Blog Hop prompts.

Image created by yours truly on Canva. 


  1. This is a great list to get started!

  2. Taking charge is the most difficult yet important habit we adults should go forward with.

  3. I love meal preparation as part of adulting hacks. The time my mother spends just trying to come up with a menu that everyone will like gives me white hair!


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