Saturday, 11 May 2024

4 Tips to Make Your Wardrobe Sustainable in Every Season


Sustainable fashion or slow fashion brands adhere to ethical practices in sourcing, production, distribution and marketing of their products to reduce the environmental impact on our planet and promote ethical fashion.

Sustainable fashion aims to reduce the amount of clothing dumped into landfills. This can be achieved by supporting circular economy skills where clothing is designed to be reused, repaired or recycled. Consumers in turn can do their bit to practice sustainability in fashion by adopting the following:


  Quality over Quantity – Buy fewer but good quality clothes from brands that use eco-friendly fabrics, and opt for versatile items, that can be mixed and matched. It would also be a good idea to declutter your wardrobe by selling or donating clothes you no longer use. Good quality clothes may come with a higher price tag but will work to the consumers' advantage in the long run. Some eco-friendly fabrics are organic cotton, recycled cotton, hemp, linen and bamboo linen.

·        Support second-hand – Investing in second-hand garments and visiting thrift stores can help reduce waste.

·        Repair and mend – Instead of discarding clothing with minor wear and tear, get them mended or learn basic sewing skills.

·        "Take care of your clothes."      Storing your clothes well in your wardrobe or in breathable storage bags or containers is important. Rotate seasonal clothing to prevent overuse and store off-season clothing to maintain longevity. Avoid frequent washing to maintain the quality of your clothes while keeping them away from direct sunlight and moisture.  Additionally, air drying your clothes is a better option as far as possible.  


As consumers, we play a significant role in dictating fashion trends. By educating and informing ourselves about developments in the fashion industry, we can make informed choices and thereby contribute to a better ecosystem.  

Image credit: Freepik. com

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1 comment:

  1. Sustainability is so important at every stage of life and for everything we use. As you mentioned above, I buy only 2 sets of clothes every season and discard 4 sets of clothes if they are not useful to me anymore but can help someone else in need.


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