Friday, 26 January 2024

Your Mantra For A good Night's Sleep

 Sleep Like a Baby

This one is close to my heart as ill health and the subsequent guidance revealed to me the importance of sleep.

Sleep is a human need and an inbuilt mechanism. Research today indicates the importance of sleep and its link to the immune system. Sleep rejuvenates, strengthens and repairs our immune system. If you aren’t getting the recommended 8 hours of sleep you are putting yourself at a risk of illness and disease. You may be eating right and exercising right, but if you are sleep-deprived, you are damaging your immune system in a big way. Besides you need to sleep to function effectively.  Of the 24 hours that have been given to us, we must put aside 8 hours for sleep.

Healing and recovery take place when the body is at complete rest. So get your ZZZZ and if you can’t, here are a few tips that could help you get that good night of rest.


Gadget Free Time – Disconnect from all gadgets an hour before bedtime. Melatonin, a sleep and immunity-boosting hormone is activated only in the dark. The blue light from the screen hinders the production of Melatonin. That golden hour can be used to meditate, read, write or work on your breathing.

Breathing – Breathwork is a simple and effective way to reduce stress levels and transfer into rest mode.  Left nostril breathing in particular works like magic. Sit straight, close your right nostril and inhale and exhale from your left nostril for 15 to 20 counts. It may take time to see results but consistency is the key.

 Darken your room – Turn off lights. Slivers of light may creep in from here and there but do as much as possible. Wear eye pads if you must. It is important to wake up to sunlight which helps regulate our circadian rhythm. Try to avoid looking at your phone for at least an hour after waking up. Devote the time to prayer, meditation exercise and anything that may build you up for the day.

Maintaining a consistent bedtime–Train your body to sleep at the same time every day. Irregular sleep timings confuse the body.

Start your day with sunlight and fresh air. Keep the phone away for at least an hour. Focus on prayer, meditation exercises and anything that may build you up for the day.

      Additionally, eating a light dinner at least 2 hours before bedtime and incorporating movement into your daily routine is sure to promote better sleep.  

In conclusion, getting a good night’s sleep should be a priority. By implementing these tips, you can improve the quality of your sleep and strengthen your immune system to ward off disease. A lifestyle change will help you get off sleep medications and enjoy a good night’s sleep.

Remember, giving sleep the importance it deserves can make a significant difference to your overall health. 

This post is a part of the weekly Blogchatter bloghop prompt. 

Image from Unsplash.

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Tuesday, 23 January 2024

Love, sweet love #Remembering Love Bloghop

I Love You         


You’re the love of my life,

My source of joy, my inner strength,

My dream every night.


You’re the light I seek,

The friend I want to keep.

You understand,

You make no demands.


You listen, you appreciate,

Yet you’re my toughest critic,

That’s a blessing I don’t want to forsake.


We share our dreams and our fears,

Helping each other through the years,

We argue and disagree,

Yes, love is not easy.


I’m flawed and so are you

But the love we share

It is sweet and true.


And so I say, again and again,

I love you now and forever more.

My lover and my partner,

Together we shall soar.

Tips to help you improve your love life.

§  You prioritize your partner’s happiness before your own.

§  You love unconditionally, quirks and flaws and work around them to ensure a peaceful and long-lasting relationship.

§  You allow your partner enough time and space for themselves.

§  You’re both, your partner's toughest critic and greatest fan.

§  You believe that actions speak louder than words.

§  You tend to your unwell partner, even waking up in the middle of the night, despite being tired.

§  You stand by the love of your life in their darkest hour and celebrate their achievements.

§  You share a laugh with your sweetheart, not at their expense.


L Love is a beautiful emotion, but not as straightforward as we would like it to be. 💑Relationships need to be sustained and never taken for granted. 💓So if you are in love, may you continue to appreciate and cherish your partner and if you are looking for love may you find the love of your life.💘

HHappy Valentine's Day!💕

TThis post is part of the 'RememberingLove'BlogHop hosted by Manali Desai and Sukaina Majeed.

Sunday, 14 January 2024

Adulting hacks I swear By

 Any kind of transition always has teething problems but in time you get around the transition and settle down. Transitioning to adulthood and maintaining an adult mindset requires effort. Adulting is a continuous learning process bringing with it a fair share of challenges. Read on to discover hacks that help you transition or improve the quality of your life as an adult. 


Wake up to reality: Remain disconnected from the virtual world for at least an hour when you wake up. Pray, meditate and read to set your mind for the day. Mindless scrolling and sending wishes do nothing for the health of your brain.

Exercise – “Movement is medicine,” say wellness coaches. So move, move, and move. Schedule a time for exercise and choose a physical activity that you enjoy.

Cultivate a hobby –Paint, dance, sing, get a plant or a fish. Hobbies reduce stress and promote relaxation.

Manage your finances – Take control of your spending habits. Minimize extravagance. In my home, the expenses for the day are noted down daily in a diary. Once at the end of the month, we know how much we have spent during the month. A friend recently realised that she had gone swipe-happy. 2024 sees her carrying a limited amount of cash and less plastic.  “It was so easy to swipe,” she said.

Prioritize health – Your health is your greatest wealth – Take the necessary precautions and examinations. Don’t self–medicate. Make the required changes in your lifestyle, eat healthy to the best of your ability and laugh. Clichéd as it may be, laughter is the best medicine.

Stay organized – Staying organised helps you achieve your goals, maintain a good work-life balance, reduce stress and enhance your focus. Make lists, make your bed, wash your dishes and do your laundry as promptly as you can. Additionally, reducing clutter helps to maintain a clean and organized environment.

Taking ownership – As an adult, you are called to take responsibility and ownership for your actions and words, be humble enough to apologise and stop playing the blame game.

Don’t force people to like you – it is okay if people don’t like you. Everyone is entitled to their preferences and opinions.  You have nothing to lose by being yourself.

Learn to say “no” – It’s important to prioritize your time and energy and say “no” when necessary. You cannot please all the people all the time.  Saying no helps you avoid feeling overwhelmed and overcommitted.

Meal Preparation – Planning your meals and getting together the ingredients in advance gives you so much more time. You will not go around like you have a bee in your bonnet. Relaxed will be the mood and tone for the day.

Professional development- Don’t stop learning. Keep yourself updated and enhance your skills by attending seminars, webinars and workshops.

Have Fun- Being an adult doesn’t mean you have to walk around with a long face and work, work, work. Make time for fun. The same old will tell upon you in time. Meeting up with friends, watching a movie or indulging in a little self-love does wonders for your body, mind and spirit.

Happy Adulting!

I would love to hear about hacks that work for you. 

This post is part of the weekly Blogchatter Blog Hop prompts.

Image created by yours truly on Canva. 

Monday, 1 January 2024

Your favorite Blogchatter moments from 2023



I came to know about Blogchatter from another platform called SHEROES. I decided to check it out and there has been no turning back. There is so much to read and write on Blogchatter and so little time. Anyway, I try to use this blogger’s paradise best.



This was a first for me. I was excited, nervous and apprehensive. Would I be able to complete the challenge? I decided to at least try. As I researched the topics on healthy foods,  I gained so much knowledge. Drafting, deleting, rewriting, polishing and finally posting. There was so much to do and deadlines to meet. I plodded on, wanting to throw in the towel many a time but the writer in me would not allow me to give up.  I completed the challenge and gave myself a nice hearty pat on the back.  



Challenge number 2 required you to have written ten thousand words in a month, writing every day. I was not able to chalk up the required number of words, but I am happy with the experience. You learn from every challenge, be it in life or on Blogchatter.


Reel making challenge

This one is a feather in my cap because even with my inadequate technical knowledge as far as creating reels is concerned, I got it done. 15 reels were completed in 15 days. A truly wow moment for me.


Winning ‘Top Blog’ and being rewarded with ‘Winner of the Week’

Developing the prompts that Blogchatter releases each week is so much fun and then seeing the ‘Top Blog’ badge embedded on your post, and reading the email which informs you of your winning status is so thrilling. I have had this privilege a couple of times and  I count them as memorable moments. The icing on the cake was when I earned the ‘Top Blog’ badge with my very first post on Blogchatter. This did not happen in 2023, a little earlier, but it was such a lovely surprise. A highlight for sure.


Looking forward to creating  ‘yay’ moments in 2024 as you must be my dear Blogchatter family.

Happy New Year!

The Autobiography of An Old Fridge

My name is Allwyn Prestcold.I am milky white in colour, and my name is boldly emblazoned across my chest. I was bought by a newlywed couple ...