Sunday, 9 July 2023

Straight From The Heart


Lessons Learnt Until Now.


1.  Change is the only constant.

Our life on earth is not permanent. One day we shall all depart. Circumstances, situations and people in our lives are all subject to change. Changes happen for the better or for worse. We are happy when the change works in our favour and are called to accept, adapt, adjust and accommodate if the change works against us.  Sometimes, though you dislike the change, it is good for you. The change may bring to the fore your abilities and talents, and see you coping in adverse circumstances or simply break you. 

A financial setback has changed a lot of things for me. Yet, it has taught me to count my blessings and be grateful for the smallest of blessings. Hence, as often said, 'change is the order of the universe and nobody or nothing can defeat change.

As much as I would like to live in a comfort zone, I have learnt that life has this knack of making you most uncomfortable. 


2.  Mental and Physical health is the greatest wealth.

Never ever take your health for granted. You may be up and doing one day and then awaiting test results the next.  All the wealth in the world cannot compensate for a healthy body and mind. After being diagnosed with a life-threatening illness 4 years ago,I no longer take my health lightly or for granted.  

 I've learnt that I must do all I can to stay healthy, both physically and mentally and then leave the rest in the hands of God.


3.  Friendship can be quite fickle. 

One of the most unexpected lessons that I have learnt recently is that friendship may not be all it is made out to be. True friends accept each other for what they are irrespective of status, address, power and wealth. But then again people change, so it’s best I  move out of the way and not break my head wondering why they ‘don’t like me anymore. 'It’s perfectly okay not to be everyone’s cup of cutting chai but to treasure friends who love, respect, and accept me unconditionally.


4.  Let gratitude be your attitude.

Complaining about that one black cloud or lamenting the turn your life has taken, gets you nowhere. You’re allowed to lament and complain, but keep it short. I was once advised to ‘make my own way’ and quit playing the victim when life didn’t turn out the way, I expected it to. 'When the going gets tough, the tough get going.'

5. Everybody may not be genuinely happy for you. 

I've learnt that sharing your achievements and success with all and sundry may not be a very good idea. Everybody is not thrilled.

 The process of living involves much learning. There's trial and error.  The lessons are not finished. As life goes on many more will be learnt. Happy Learning. 


 This post is part of the BlogchatterblogHop weekly prompt. 

 Picture by Martin Hetto from Pixabay. 

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  1. Genuine lessons. The reader can feel the authenticity.

  2. Life is a continuous process of learning, and these lessons will continue to shape us. Here's to embracing the journey and the wisdom that comes with it. Happy learning indeed!

  3. Let gratitude be your attitude is soooo cool


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