Monday, 24 July 2023

A World Without Books


A World Without Books


I for sure cannot conceive or imagine a world without books. Books seek to inspire, motivate, entertain, inform and educate. Without books, it would seem as if a limb were missing. Technology provides us with much of the information we need, but there is nothing to beat the pleasure of leafing through a physical book or getting immersed in one to fulfil your needs. Be it a dusty tome or a brand new book, books take you to another level altogether.

If books were absent from the world:

There would be a certain darkness in the world.

Books preserve knowledge. Today, we can source information from digital media and store the same on digital media, but digital media is subject to loss and degradation.

You would miss out on the pleasures of visiting a book library to pick out a book or simply sitting quietly, garnering the information that you want.

I grew up, as most children are, packing a school bag for the next day, making sure that all the right books were packed.  If there were no books, all we would pack would be a lunch box. On a more serious note, traditional classroom learning would be severely impacted without books.  A classroom sans books would never add up to being a classroom.


Wouldn’t we miss the joy of reading bedtime tales or just plain reading to our offspring?

Authors would have to take to other mediums to express their thoughts and readers would consume content, through mediums other than books.

Cultural diversity would take a knock as books often carry narratives about myriad cultures and communities.


    A bookless world would therefore negatively impact education, personal development and our consumption of knowledge. The world of technology is expanding by leaps and bounds but it does have its limitations.  


  1. Books truly hold the power to illuminate our minds and souls. A world without them would indeed feel incomplete and dim.

  2. A world without books is like a person without eyes.

  3. I too cannot imagine a world without books and to ponder that advanced western democracies are banning them causes me great pain, to say nothing of disbelief that this is happening in the 21st Century.

  4. I share your love for books. A world without books would be hell for me.


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