Thursday, 23 March 2023

The Tree


Once upon a time

There was a tree

Deeply rooted in the earth

Its branches spreading wide

Thriving in the sunlight.

It provided shade and shelter to man and beast

Home to chirping birds and scampering squirrels

Its green leaves gently danced in the breeze. 

 Then shorn of its beauty and grace

It longed to be upright again

And feel the freshness of the rain.


No birds, no nests,

No little children

Climbing up in zest. 


Beloved tree!

You were in pain

Felled were you for trade and gain.


This post is part of the blogchatterbloghop link. 


  1. It is rather sad how badly we have let the ball drop when it comes to our green cover.

  2. Human insensitivity is a dreadful thing. It's most visible in the way we treat the plants and trees.


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