Wednesday, 22 February 2023

My Magic Pen #WriteAPageADay


I was rummaging in my overcrowded drawer for a glue stick , when I spotted something long and silvery. I reached for it .It was a pen.

Gluestick forgotten, I pulled out the cover and put the pen to paper. My curiosity got the better of me.  I almost died of shock when the pen started moving. I took a chance and asked it to write poems.  Words began appearing on the paper. The words were silver in colour. It wrote two of my favourite poems – The Highwayman and Daffodils.  There were 7 tiny buttons on the pen. Each was a colour of the rainbow. As I pressed each, the pen wrote in that particular colour.

There were 15 tiny silver buttons, after the line of coloured buttons. Each button, when activated, displayed a font that the pen could write in.  Again, my joy knew no bounds. I simply said, ‘write’ and it wrote and wrote. Songs, stories, poems, all in a different font. Then I simply placed it down. I asked it to stop writing. At the rate it was writing, I would soon be out of paper.

The pen was an absolute treat. I began to wonder how I came to possess it. Would it help me in school? I quietly carried it to school. I did not show it to anyone. When teacher asked us to write the answer to a question or work out a Maths problem, I whispered the question to the magic pen and my magic pen did not disappoint me.  I held the pen, so it seemed as if I was writing. To my good luck, nobody noticed. I wondered whether it would help me in my exams and decided to carry it to the exam hoping that it would work its magic.

Then I heard a bell. Was it the school bell? It was shrill and piercing. The school bell did not sound like that. The school bell was more of a gong.

It was my alarm, waking me from the sweetest dream that I had ever had.


345 words. 

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