Tuesday, 14 February 2023



Mom’s the word.


My most favourite person in the world would be my mom. I lost her to a debilating stroke a few days before Christmas last year and I miss her more than words can say.

Mom was the third among nine children. She belonged to a middle class family and was raised byhardworkingand God fearing parents. She did them proud.

 She trained to be a teacher and taught for more than 25 years in various schools. She spent much of her married life in the steel city of Jamshedpur where she raised my brother and me. I wonder now… how she managed to do it all…Cook, teach, tutor, tailor my clothes and generally take care of dad, my brother, and me . Her cooking brought her fame and dad once said that her every dish was a poem.

 Mom was patient, gentle and kind to a fault. She supervised our studies with utmost patience and even completed needle work for me. Mom signed the bad report cards while dad was given the honor to sign the good ones. She was happy tending to her potted garden or reading her favourite authors.

I enjoyed our shopping trips be it for groceries or girlie stuff. As an adolescent, I was able to confide freely in her and we grew evencloser.I could talk to her about just anything.

Mom was a tower of strength, remaining unfazed when I was afflicted with a life – threatening sickness, not so very long ago. All she said was, ‘pray, don’t panic.’ She was a huge help when I was raising my boys. Their father worked overseas and it was she who helped me in my duties as mommy.

I admired her for her courage. Dad passed away which was hard on her but she marched on, living her life in the best possible way.

Her health had been failing these past few years but her faith was strong. She viewed online church services regularly and prayed a lot. It saddened us immensely to watch her fade away after the stroke. Often she would hold out her hand from her sick bed and I would hold it for a while.

So mom, wherever you are know that we will always love you.

Missing you ma

 Your quiet demeanour

Your patience and understanding

We shall always remember.


You bore with fortitude

The storms of life

Until Jesus said, no more

And opened heaven’s door.


Quietly a light went out

A darkness came about

And in heaven the angels did shout

Ma’s home they said.


Heartbroken as we are

We know you’re happy, you’re safe

Free from pain

Free from worldly stress and strain.


A treasure trove of sweet memories

You’ve left behind

Ma, we love you, miss you ma.





  1. A beautiful tribute to a person you love much. I'd have loved a bite of the "poem" she cooked 😊

    1. Thank you so much for your heartwarming comment.


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