Saturday, 3 December 2022

Are Resolutions Valid?

 It's that time of the year when Santa is making his list of 'naughty and nice'and you

  besides getting the Christmas tree and lights out, somewhere at the back of your mind are toying with resolutions to be made  for the New Year. 

Your resolutions will be as valid as you want them to be. Even as the shine of the new year dulls and you trudge on determined to see at least one resolution through, you are winning. Its okay to fail and to fall but as long as you don't give in to,'spirit is willing but flesh is weak' your resolutions are valid. 

So its you and only you who make the resolution valid or invalid. 

This post is part of BlogchatterBlogHop and links it to Blogchatter. 

1 comment:

  1. Putting resolutions into practice is tough. My New Year resolutions never proceeded beyond a month. 😊


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