Friday, 16 December 2022


When you fight

To show your muscle and might

It could turn into an awful sight

Fight for what you think is right. 

Saturday, 3 December 2022

Are Resolutions Valid?

 It's that time of the year when Santa is making his list of 'naughty and nice'and you

  besides getting the Christmas tree and lights out, somewhere at the back of your mind are toying with resolutions to be made  for the New Year. 

Your resolutions will be as valid as you want them to be. Even as the shine of the new year dulls and you trudge on determined to see at least one resolution through, you are winning. Its okay to fail and to fall but as long as you don't give in to,'spirit is willing but flesh is weak' your resolutions are valid. 

So its you and only you who make the resolution valid or invalid. 

This post is part of BlogchatterBlogHop and links it to Blogchatter. 

Thursday, 1 December 2022

A schoolbag of memories

Four decades have winged by; 

Since I crossed a T and dotted an I

Within the portals of Sacred Heart High. 
Looking back with so much nostalgia 
I sift through my memorabilia 

And thro’the past I let my mind wander…


Standing in line for morning assembly at 9 
Drill, athletics, mathematics
That sometimes caused a dreadful colic. 
Rotation and Revolution

Fractions and chemical reactions

 Not Everyone's cup of tea.

Yes I remember ol’ Allauddin Khiliji!


‘March Past Eliminations'examinations 

At the time, matters of great consternation!
Elocution and debates always on our plates.
Sports Day, Hip-hip Hurray!
Who’s going to carry the cup away?
Kho-Kho, Kabbadi
Weren't they favourites of everybody!

Singing ditties was so much fun.


Like those lunches we shared beneath the sun…
Teachers strict, yet always kind
The ones who helped us get thro’ the grind –
“Love Conquers All”, they reiterated
Lifetime values they inculcated.


The self control bell
Meant you just couldn’t yell

And a two minute impatient silence fell.


There was happiness and sadness 
And more than an ounce of madness
In that very dear school
Where we had to live by the rule.

Thursday, 24 November 2022

Music to uplift you.

 Life knocks you down time and again, rings you dry. There are days when all seems well with the world and there are days when nothing seems right. What might get you through those nightmarish days?What serves as your band aid? 

Music helps me take on the lemons that life has been pelting at me, left, right and centre. 

Josh Groban's 'You Raise

 Me Up' urges me to keep the faith even when my world is falling apart. Lynda Randle's God on the mountain tells me that the God on the mountain is also God of the valley....

And sometimes I just wanna dance...I just wanna have fun with the my blues away.

This post is prt of Blogchatterbloghop link. 

Sunday, 23 October 2022

The Happiness Quotient - My Favourite Piece Of Content.

Top post on Blogchatter

A picture is worth a thousand words. When the above picture, went viral, it received brickbats and bouquets. 
 At face value, the picture is nothing but heartwarming. The children are happy as happy can be.
 The real smartphone eludes them, but they make the best use of it and find happiness in whatever comes their way even if it is a slipper. We, adults, spend our lives hankering for more...bigger, better, goes on and on. 
Making the most of what you have is what happiness is really about.

Friday, 14 October 2022

So What Would My Diary Say To me?

My diary

From a corner in the closet

 All sad and teary, would say to me:

Where have you been?

We haven't met lately.

At twenty you wrote aplenty

I knew your secret crushes

And what brought on your blushes

I knew what made you happy

What made you sad

I knew when you were mad

Your dreams and aspirations

Your longings and frustrations

 Every night you poured your heart out to me. 

What's this I see you engrossed in? 

Twitter, Facebook, Instagram 

This virtual world

I simply don't understand

My head is spinning, my heart is breaking

Spare a thought for me

Tell me you still love me. 

Wednesday, 12 October 2022

Best Friends Forever

I loved you 
Ever since I was a child
My soulmate through the years
You've helped me through my fears. 

Knowledge I  receive
Much more than I can ever perceive
You take me to distant lands
To farms and brooks
And shimmering sands.

Dusty tome or brand new 
On train and plane
At home
Or when it rains
You are my companion 
Again and again.

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The Autobiography of An Old Fridge

My name is Allwyn Prestcold.I am milky white in colour, and my name is boldly emblazoned across my chest. I was bought by a newlywed couple ...