Sunday, 17 June 2018

The Wonder Years.

Children are the spring in your step and the sunshine in your day. Bubbling with curiosity and mischief a child will keep you on your toes. A child will love you unconditionally and will ask to be loved in return. The sound of a child's laugh may thaw the most frozen heart. Take away the online or video games and children will indulge in physical play as if their life depended on it. One of the best memories of my childhood is play time. From Hide and Seek to the boisterous  Kabbadi, I played and played well.

There was cricket and football of the gully kind. Awesome play and awesome childhood.  I was quite fascinated by cars as well and dad indulged me with a battery of toy two and four wheelers.
Children love receiving gifts.  Receiving gifts is a big part of childhood. The expectations and then the exclamations when the gift is opened. So much thought goes into those annual letters to the granddaddy of gift gives -Santa Claus. My letter gently went through the window and landed on the patch of garden, to be picked up my mom or dad in my absence.  It was ritual I followed for many years and loved every moment of it.
 My husband was wise enough to record the childish prattle of our sons on tape which serves as a great stress buster even today. Every time we listen to those mispronunciations, quips and bad grammar we are off on a nostalgically delightful trip, from which we never wish to return. The boys are now 21 and 19.
Tantrums notwithstanding, children bring love, joy, innocence, hope and trust in the otherwise complicated adult life and jaded world.  There is no place for envy, malice distrust and anger in a child's world. A child has so much to give. It is rather sad to hear of children being exploited, used and abused. The perpetrators of crime against children must be meted out the severest of punishment because where there are children, there is hope for mankind.

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