Wednesday, 30 May 2018

When Disappointment Knocks.

Do you carry the weight of disappointments on your shoulder and go around like a sad- sack?  Disappointments are an inevitable part of life. Every single human on the planet has been disappointed at some time or the other. A disappointment could be in the shape of a breakdown in a relationship, which held promise, a lost friendship, being rejected at job interviews, your life not shaping up the way you hoped it would, your finances not coming together, expectations not being met and as life goes on the list will get longer.
Let's not forget that 'every cloud has a silver lining', so let not the disappointment hold us back. If the good Lord provides for the birds in the air and the fish in the sea, will he not provide for us, whom he has created in his own image?
We must try our level best to let go of the hurt, the rejection and disappointment, pack up our bags and move on or else we are going to be as miserable as ever.  Forgiveness is a big part of coping with disappointment.  Crap happens all the time and tough times don't last tough people do. It is not the end of the world, everything that happens in life happens for a reason and for the best.
There are days when nothing goes right when every moment is fraught with anxiety and tension and we may feel ourselves hurtling down a dark deep abyss.  When the good Lord closes a door, he opens a window. He lets in a breath of fresh air - fresh opportunities that might be more suited to our needs and circumstances.
As sure as the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, disappointments will come and go. It is for us to garner every ounce of strength, pick up the pieces and move on.

We must accept finite disappointment but never lose infinite hope. 

Martin Luther King, Jr.

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