Monday, 27 February 2017

A Big Fat Sunday

FEB 26th, 2017.

At 7 am my eyes open to a brand new day - Sunday- the day of the Lord and Fat Sunday  - A day to bring out the bacon and beer - the last Sunday before the beginning of Lent.The significant-other usually exhibits his culniary skills on Sunday.  So we sat down to a lunch of Mangalorean pork curry and sannas and chunks of rich dark chocolate for dessert.  Needless to say, delightful fare. The weather outside is not so delightful.  There is more than a hint of summer in the air.Oranges are yet aplenty. Mangoes are on the way. The watermelon abounds.   The twenty-year-old enjoyed a long leisurely sleep, wrapped up in his dreams, deigning to rise only when we informed him that the maid was swishing her broom through the house. The 18-year-old was desperately searching for a lost text book. He did locate the book eventually but refused to divulge where he had found the lost book.. Welcome to the world of teens!
The evening saw husband and wife partaking of some spiritual nourishment followed by some "spiritual" nourishment and dinner before we retired for the night  readying ourselves to take on yet another Monday and a new week. 

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