Thursday, 29 August 2024

What Turning Sixty Means to Me



I recently celebrated my sixtieth birthday with some excitement and trepidation. It is a significant milestone and I am amazed by the swift passage of time.  As I begin a new chapter in my life, I’m given to reflection, introspection and gratitude.  Chronologically, I am sixty and grey-haired but I don’t feel sixty, except when that little voice in my head says to me, “Remember you are a little beyond middle-aged”. A cousin lightheartedly reminds me to avail myself of senior citizen discounts and bank interest rates. That will take some time to get used to. I ‘m enjoying that unique sense of freedom that comes with age.

My Thoughts:


Reflection and Introspection: I look back on the life I lived,  the challenges I ‘ve overcome, the friends I made, the friends I’ve lost or drifted apart from, my thoughts, actions and reactions during each stage of life, the joys and sorrows experienced and the lessons I ‘ve learned.


Wisdom: Six decades has left me with bountiful wisdom, a tad bit more wit and loads of experience.  The age-old adage that with age comes wisdom holds. There is so much that I would not do or say today, that I previously did and said without a second thought. I no longer care about what people say or think about me. Each is entitled to his or her opinion as I am to mine.  I’ve eliminated toxic relationships and feel so much lighter.   


A new chapter:  I have completed certain responsibilities, the children are all grown up, the nest is emptying and I’m excited to explore and learn. I’m learning every step of the way as I read, write, travel, hone my gardening skills, improve my technical skills and knowledge and let my curiosity get the better of me.


Health and Aging: Aging is a natural process, and I am concerned about the challenges that come with it.I am not as strong as I used to be and my energy levels have dropped but I am glad to be able to do, what I do.  

I have adopted a healthy lifestyle focusing on diet, nutrition, exercise and mental health to the best of my ability.  I do have random thoughts about my mortality, especially in the recent past when friends aged 60, passed away quite suddenly.  Instead of dwelling on the dark side, I remind myself to live life to the fullest and prioritize what truly matters.


Hopes and Dreams: There are places I want to travel to, books I want to read, friends I want to meet, cuisine I want to try and a grandma I want to be.


I feel blessed to have made it to sixty amid struggles and challenges and am grateful to the people who have helped me along the way.  I’ve learnt to survive and bloom where I’ve been planted.


Have you celebrated a milestone birthday? How did you feel?

This post is part of the #BlogChatterHalfMarathon challenge

 It's a Google image. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hahaha thats such a cute post. I loved reading it and can see the wisdom of your age in every word!

    1. Thank you, Rehana. Your appreciation gladdens my heart.

  3. If you feel you have acquired certain degree of wisdom you're aging rightly according to psychologist Erik Eriksson.

    1. Thank you. It feels good to hear what Erik Eriksson says.

  4. loved this post... I will be turning 30 coming January and feel so despondent about it. Reading this gave me a little hope that there is so much to life and age is just a number... I wish you a healthy, fun filled, another roller coaster filled many more decades to go...

    1. You're going to be half my age. Some of my classmates, at sixty are doing mountain trekking. Just enjoy life. I'm glad the post gave you hope.

  5. This was so sweet. I loved that last image, especially the point that no one expects you to run anywhere. I also loved that you're so positive and looking forward to learning and growing.

    1. Thank you Suchita. There are limitations and challenges but I just keep doing whatever I can.


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