Friday, 26 April 2024

Anger and more

 ·        ·         Anger and more.

Anger is an intense emotional state that results in negative behaviour. This emotion can become destructive if not controlled. Anger ranges from a minor fleeting annoyance to full-fledged rage. While it is completely normal to harbour anger, it is important to heal from the situation and let the anger go. Healing doesn't mean that the damage never existed. It means that the damage doesn't control your life anymore.
People often remain angry with the other person because of how they have interpreted the other person's actions or words.
Anger causes physiological and biological changes like a rise in blood pressure and energy levels,
A specific relationship, event or situation can make you angry. It's best that you learn to manage your anger before it takes control of you.
Unexpressed anger can lead to issues of passive-aggressive behaviour.

“What does anger look like?”
Using bad/ curse words
Breaking things

Life's like that

·         It's okay to have a bad day

·         Everybody makes mistakes

·         Nothing is perfect

·         Taking a break is perfectly okay

·         You are stronger than you think

·         It's okay to ask for help.



How to Manage Your Anger:


1.     Think and then speak – When you are angry, you may generally say something you regret. Collect your thoughts, and then speak. Take to speaking, only once you have calmed down. Express your concerns and allow the other person to do likewise.

2.    Exercise – When angry, resort to exercise to reduce stress levels. Take a long, brisk walk or indulge in any other physical activity.

3.    Look at solutions – Instead of focusing on the triggers, look for solutions to manage your anger. Some situations may just be beyond your control. You need to learn to walk away from them and accept that the situation cannot be changed.

4.    When angry, stick with ‘I’ – Criticism and blame do nothing to ease the situation. Use ‘I’ to describe the situation. Instead of saying, “You never help me with the household chores” say “I am upset that you never help me with the household chores.

5.    Don’t hold grudges – Forgiveness is a powerful tool to manage your anger. Make every effort to eliminate feelings of bitterness and resentment. Forgiveness brings healing and may even strengthen the relationship.

6.    Humour helps – Difficult as it may be, try and see the humour in the situation. To cool down, watch a comedy show, or read a funny book. Do anything that involves humour.

7.    Practice relaxation – Deep breathing exercises, listening to music, or journaling help you to manage your anger.

8.    Seek help – When you find yourself flying off the handle at the least provocation and it is becoming increasingly difficult for you to control your anger, consider seeking professional help.



Tuesday, 16 April 2024

Benefits of Meditation


Benefits of Meditation


Are you anxious and stressed? Meditation may help you relieve stress, and anxiety and help you attain the peace and calm that you so desire.

Meditation is when you clear your mind of random thoughts and focus on one particular thought to attain a mentally and emotionally clear and calm state.

The practice of Meditation has been present since time immemorial. In the days of yore, it was mainly meant to understand the sacred and spiritual aspects of life. Today, meditation is mainly used to calm the mind and lower stress levels.

Anybody can meditate anywhere. You can meditate on a bus or a plane or even in a waiting room or as you walk. It is inexpensive and doesn’t require any special equipment.


Benefits of meditation:

·       Looking at stress in a new and positive way

·       Building skills to manage stress

·       Becoming more aware of the present

·       Lessening of negative thoughts

·       Increasing patience levels

·       Better quality of sleep

Mediation also helps in certain illnesses like asthma, Cancer, chronic pain, depression, anxiety, hypertension, headaches and gut health.


Types of meditation:

Guided meditation: When you practice guided meditation, you form mental images of places or things that help you relax. You use as many senses as possible and may be taken through the session by a teacher or instructor.

Mantra Meditation: Mantra meditation is when you repeat a particular word or thought that helps you relax and keep out insignificant thoughts that may crowd your mind.

Mindfulness meditation: This is centered around present–moment awareness.  You could focus on your breath. Thoughts and feelings are bound to occur but you let them pass without judgment.

Yoga  - You do a series of postures and control your breathing. You experience a sense of calm and peace in the process.


Ways to incorporate meditation in your daily life:

Deep breathing is ideal for beginners because breathing is a natural function.

Repeat a mantra: You repeatedly invoke the name of God or anything that you find appropriate

Walking: When walking and meditating, walk slowly, don’t focus on where you are going but on the movement of your feet, and the sights and smells around you.

Pray: You can either read written prayers or pray spontaneously. Listening to hymns and spiritual music is a form of meditation.

One type of meditation may not suit all. Don’t focus on the right way to meditate but find something you are comfortable with.


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