Tuesday, 26 December 2023

My 2023 yay moment!



It was indeed exciting to see verses that I had penned over the years on the pages of a book and also in the virtual world. I get nostalgic, spiritual, funny, romantic and just plain creative in these verses. I hope you enjoy reading the poems as much as I enjoyed writing the poems. 

Monday, 18 December 2023

Penny The Partying Penguin


Penny The Partying Penguin


Penny was a ‘party penguin’. She loved to party and lived a lavish life. She had left home to work in an office, where she earned a good salary. However, she hardly saved anything because she was a spendthrift.  Penny sent her parents money but not regularly.   

Soon it would be Christmas. All the Penguins were busy preparing for Christmas, cleaning and decorating their homes and buying tasty treats. Penguin Place wore a very festive look with lights and buntings everywhere. All the penguins were happy and in good cheer, but our Penny was sad and miserable.

She had been to the bank in the morning and found that had very little money in her account.  She could not even buy a little of her favourite fish. As she sat alone at home, big, fat tears rolled down her cheeks. What was she to do?

Penny decided to call her friend Percy. “Oh, Percy! She said, I am in so much trouble.” “My bank account is almost empty and it is Christmas.” Percy felt sorry for her. “That’s too bad, said Percy.” “I tried to warn you many times that you were spending too much money but you didn’t listen to me.” “You must always, always put away some money first before spending so lavishly.”

“I have been so careless,” said Penny sadly. “I can’t go home to Mom and Dad for Christmas, nor can I take any presents for them or Daisy, my little sister.”   

 “It's okay,” said Percy, “we learn from our mistakes.” Percy was a good friend. “I shall lend you some money, to see you through Christmas,” he said. “I am lending it to you and not giving the money to you so that you learn to be responsible.”Penny was delighted. She couldn't thank Percy enough. She wrapped her wings around him in a tight hug. 

The New Year saw a new Penny saving a little money in the bank every month. After a while, she returned the money to Percy. Penny was now also able to send her parents money every month and little prsents to her Daisy. 

This post is part of the weekly Blogchatter blog hop prompt. 

Monday, 4 December 2023

A blogger on a lazy day

 I’m fairly new to blogging but being lazy is not new to me. Bloggers too have lazy days, when they switch off from active blogging.  What would I, a blogger do on a lazy day?

Well, firstly, I would move away from the daily routine of alarm clocks and indulge in forty winks or more.  Once awake, I would head to the kitchen to prepare my morning concoction of spices and powders, sip on it, slow and steady and then cut down exercise time by half.

The lazy day would see me enjoying a leisurely breakfast, reading almost every page of the newspaper and chit-chatting with family. I would decide not to do any writing. 

 Reading and commenting on posts by fellow bloggers would open up new perspectives and help me network with others. What better day, than a lazy day for me to catch up on the aforementioned.

I might want to use the break to give the blog a new look by changing the colour and fonts of the blog while inserting new images. Doing this could possibly attract more visitors to the site.

 "Talk to your plants", say seasoned gardeners, and as a new plant parent, that's exactly what I would do. I would also work on my TBR list, pamper myself a bit with lotions, potions, warm baths and masks, binge-watch my favourite series, listen to my favourite tunes and simply let the world go by.

This once–in–a–way lazy day will certainly do wonders for my creative juices because all work and no play makes a dull boy.  

How different or similar would your lazy day be from mine? 


This post is part of the Blogchatterbloghop weekly challenge

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