Thursday, 12 October 2023

5 things that scare me - Fear and Phobia.


Escalators –I have never stepped on an escalator and don’t know when I will or whether I ever will. The concept of a moving staircase scares the daylights out of me. At railway platforms, malls and airports I‘d rather use the staircase than an escalator.

I say an escalator is as fearful as a creepy-crawly alligator

A moving staircase

πŸ˜…That would be straight out of a Harry Potter.

My friends join me in the elevator

Cajoling me to step on the scary people - mover

I am terrified!

Ha Ha! An escalator to me only spells disaster.


Snakes – Snakes may be beautiful and fascinating to some, but to me they are simply slippery, slimy creatures who bring on nightmares even during the day. I fear snakes and I can’t even bear to look at one for long.  Many moons ago, my then toddler brother went to pick up something that he thought was a black ribbon, but which turned out to be a snake. The disaster was averted in time by my ever-vigilant parents.


Spiral staircase – A spiral stairway frightens me to no end. Besides the fear of falling through the gap between each step, I can’t take the twists and turns. They leave me feeling giddy and uneasy. A teacher remembers me crawling up the spiral staircase in school when the main staircase was under repair.


Cable cars – Cable cars don’t appeal to me. Once again, I am besieged with fright as I wonder,’ What if the cable breaks”! I’ll go plunging down and might meet my creatures. I fear heights.

SpeedI don’t care for speed. Car and motorbike racing just don’t hold any allure for me. Moderate and steady is more my style. I will even caution the auto-rickshaw driver to slow down if he thinks he’s on a racing track.


So that’s me, folks, I am not a very daring or adventurous person. I love to travel but often have to find a way out of these impediments.  If not given a choice, I pray as if my life depended on it and at that time, it would.

Are you a dare-devil or do you too harbour fears and phobias? Do tell. 


This post is part of the weekly blogchatterbloghop prompt. 

The image has been taken from pixabay. 

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  1. And I love some of these. Escalators are my first choice where they are available. I can adore snakes from a distance.

  2. Snakes, cable cars and speed, I get, maybe even spiral staircases but escalators? :-)

  3. Now that was some list! Snakes are not for me either.

  4. I am also not fond of spiral stairs. Although, we don't see them much these days but I remember climbing them long time back but the fear of falling in between the open spaces is still so fresh in my mind.


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