Monday, 28 October 2019

Happy birthday folks!

The month of September is a 'happy birthday' month in my home. This year my mother turned 84, a on the 8th of September and my sons will turn 23 and21 respectively. Ah, yes, the better- half turns 63 on the 22nd.
Mom at 84 is not doing too badly. She may be feeble and slow of gait but she gets around. She remains prayerful and a voracious reader. Reading the daily newspaper is a must. At home with me for the past few months, she has had very little to do and is happy to catch up on her reading and bonding with her two grandsons who regale her with tales from their ever-so - busy lives. Mom can still sew a button or alter a hemline and am I grateful for that!

Born within two years of each other on the same day, my sons are temperamentally as different as chalk is from cheese. Besides a common date, they share little else. The older is easy going, rectient, generous and musically inclined. The younger who turned 21 is thrifty, hot-headed,  extroverted and an artist in his own right. Quite the foodie and sporting a hopeless sweet tooth, he can rustle up tasty fare.

It's hard to say goodbye,
As you spread your wings,
And get ready to fly.

The years have flown,
How you have grown!
The child is gone,
The man is born.
Fare thee well,
As on greener pastures,
Sons you venture to dwell.

The better - half, well, what do Isay? A tremendous source of strength and support, he has remained by my side for 'better or worse', in 'sickness and health'  for the past 24 years, although I strongly suspect that being a pianist, his first love was and is the piano. He has been listening to my rants and raves interrupting with a word of advice or helping me to look at situations from different angles. My better-half has always stood by me.
He is also a hopeless foodie and adept in the kitchen, his valuable help in the kitchen takes off the load from the routine, 'everyday cooking'.
At 63, he still remains young at heart and quite the party-man.
Oh yes! we disagree and have have our 'cold and frozen shoulder' moments but the silver-wedding bells will chime soon and there is a lot to celebrate.

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