Monday, 3 September 2018

And another birthday goes by...

Where Am I at 54? 

July saw me turn 54.  I am a little older and a little wiser. Despite the fact that my hair has greyed, I am yet to hide the greys. I don't feel the need to right now. I am struggling to remain a decent weight but  I don't feel 54. 

There are books that I want to read and pages that I want to write and lands that I hope to visit. A few aches and pains have made their way into my overweight frame. Well, health is definitely a  priority now. 

The years have flown and the children have grown. My significant other and I will soon be looking at the empty nest syndrome. We will have to feed on memories, find things to do and fill the nest the best we can. Would I be happy with the free time? I can't say.   

And now you ask me...Marie, Marie, how does your garden grow? It is never to late to learn and here I am at the ripe old age of 54 discovering the joys of gardening. I knew nought about growing plants but thanks to pictures posted by friends on social media of beautiful blossoms dotting their gardens, I have decided to cultivate a new hobby.  

There have been good days and bad days as there always will. I laughed on the good days and tried hard not to complain too much about the bad ones. 

Hurray! I made it through another year...55 here I come!

Life is a gamble, don't let it leave you in shambles. 

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