Tuesday, 10 April 2018

Wedding bells.

It is April and it is miserably hot.My thoughts turn to the 28th of April1995.What was so memorable about that date? Besides being an intensely hot day it was my wedding day. 
 The family comprising aunts, uncles, and cousins had gathered at an aunt's home to bless and wish me well.There were smiles and happy faces all around. Besides the other decorations, a huge bouquet of flowers stood in one corner - Romance was alive and kicking. The flowers had arrived in the morning and were from none other than the bridegroom himself. 
The happy faces soon turned to frowns as there was no sign of the dressmaker. Many frantic phone calls later, she arrived. Now I don't quite remember why she was late.Dressed in my wedding gown my face wreathed in smiles, I posed for the photo shoot. However, I left late with my bridal entourage and was even later as we got stuck in an awful traffic jam. 
 My soon -to -be husband stood at the altar biting his nails wondering whether he was going to be stood up. Even today, he recounts those anxious moments but is able to laugh at them. 
23 years later I do not remember much of the ceremony but I do remember one of the clergy who was officiating at the ceremony good-humouredly cautioning me not to break my husband's finger, as I slid the ring on.  
A reception marked the occasion. A live band, together with a performance from an Elvis Presley impersonation saw the guests put on their dancing shoes. I have not been blessed in that department and as much as I would love to. Boogying far from pumping my adrenalin gets me into a nervous sweat.  All is well that ends well and mercifully I made it through the night. Even until today dancing remains a sore point with us.  Heat notwithstanding, it was party time for one and all. 
 2020 will mark the silver jubilee of our anniversary. What can I say? There have been periods of total bliss, periods of very noisy blasts and cold sullen silences. Much to the amusement of my husband in these  23 years, I have threatened to walk out umpteen times but am very much in the marriage. 
Together we are raising two boys now in their 21st and 19th year respectively. Well, that is another story. 


  1. Congratulations on your long marriage. I'm not much of a dancer either and prefer to sit out and chat.

    Thank you off your comment on my blog.

    1. Sorry, that should say 'thank you for your comment on my blog'.


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