Thursday, 17 August 2017

This and That

Indians celebrated 70 years of glorious freedom from foreign rule on the 15th.There was flag hoisting and there were speeches and the usual rhetoric.Th
e working crowd and students enjoyed another break as our Parsi brethren celebrate yet another new year. Navroze Mubarak.
 The rains continue, sometimes quite dispiritedly and sometimes we enjoy a torrential downpour.As I write this the sun is playing peek - a -boo.We are eight months into the year.Preparations are on to welcome lord, Ganesh.The junior sweet tooth in the house is looking forward to sinking his teeth into modaks, the delicacy of the festival.A slew of festivals follow.   So far the year has seen two good Hindi movies, Lipstick under the burqa and Toilet... Ek Prem Katha.  both of which have done a pretty good job in sending a message across. Hindi cinema does have its good days.
 Talking about Hindi cinema takes me back to my college days when there was no online booking and no e -tickets. Blockbuster or flop we had to see them all. The college happened to be located close to a popular picture theatre and as half the gang bunked a couple of lectures to stand in the queue for tickets, the other half trooped in later. When I say, gang, I mean 22. We patronized every theatre in town. Recalling those fun days brings a twinkle and a  tear to my eye and a smile upon my lips.

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