Sunday, 16 July 2017

53 and counting...

It is a quiet Sunday afternoon. I have just woken up from my siesta and thought that I would pen a few lines on the eve of my 53rd birthday.So what do I have to say for myself? 

I was a few kilos lighter last year at this time. The jeans  I wore last year on my birthday are a little too snug for comfort this year. Ah! but isn't that what life is all about? you lose some and you win some!I was in conversation with a college friend whom I have not seen for thirty plus years and we thought that the gang should meet up before ailments get the better of us. Our spirits are up and age is just a number. 
This one year has been none too eventful. Mostly boring house hold chores, mundane stuff but in between, I have managed to crack an article writing course that I had enrolled for 3 years ago and have rediscovered the joys of being a bibliophile in the last  12 months. I consider that quite a  feat for a boring old homemaker! I am presently enjoying Ruskin Bond's subtle humour. Turning pages after all that scrolling is kind of rejuvenating. My very newly cultivated hobby - a potted garden is(tending to precisely 3 pots as of now) seeing me on cloud 9. There is that green and white croton, a Hibiscus plant and a Mogra plant. The huge pale pink and peach hibiscus blossoms are truly a sight for sore eyes.The croton perched on the ledge is a balm to the soul.My better - half gifted me what most women never ever have enough of - clothes and a visit to the salon. 
Here's  to another year of growth and expansion of only and only the grey matter and yes my potted

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