Friday, 21 July 2017

Friendsmaynot be forever

This post may contradict an earlier post, 'Friends are forever.' I am 53 and have I lost any friends along the way? I read this rather interesting article about 'losing friends along the way' The writer received a forward that said, 'if you are not losing friends then you are not growing up.'
 No man is an island and friends are an elixir to life. Life happens, you make friends and somewhere along the way you begin to lose touch with some of them, you find that you have very little or nothing in common, your goals and dreams differ, you walk different paths in pursuit of your goals and dreams and you make new friends along those paths.  Hence in order to achieve your dreams and goals and to grow says the writer losing friends is inevitable. "In order to move on, you need to outgrow people and situations.'You don't need to break friendships, you stay in touch but just about. 
 My significant other swears by the fact that your only friends are the friends that you made in childhood and the college gang that you hung out with.By and large that belief contains many grains of truth.  There are however exceptions to the rule as chaddi-buddies are also known to have drifted apart. 
Social media has helped us find long lost friends, made reunions happen but many on our friend list remain faces and names on the list with no action or interaction. Some virtual 'friendships' are most disconnected. 
Count your friends when your life has been engulfed by storm clouds and you are sinking into the depths of despair. How many will help you weather the storm? Of those that hung out with you how many will hang in with you helping you weather the storm? I am thankful to those who have hung out with me in good times and bad. 
 "A friend in need is a pest indeed'

Another good read - How can you learn to love your own fate? believe in AmorFAti and embrace life as a warrior. 

Amor Fati, says Nona Walia is a latin term which means that you don't just accept your fate but you learn to love it. 
Life is no bed of roses, The roses come with thorns. impossible as it may seem you would do well to embrace and accept the thorns, find the silver lining and take the bull by the horns. .Experience has taught me that complaining and brooding change nothing except for making matters worse.Complaining breeds bitterness and resentment which is not good for health.  Bad things are bound to happen - just let go and the bad things will be gone. Am I right or wrong? 

Sunday, 16 July 2017

53 and counting...

It is a quiet Sunday afternoon. I have just woken up from my siesta and thought that I would pen a few lines on the eve of my 53rd birthday.So what do I have to say for myself? 

I was a few kilos lighter last year at this time. The jeans  I wore last year on my birthday are a little too snug for comfort this year. Ah! but isn't that what life is all about? you lose some and you win some!I was in conversation with a college friend whom I have not seen for thirty plus years and we thought that the gang should meet up before ailments get the better of us. Our spirits are up and age is just a number. 
This one year has been none too eventful. Mostly boring house hold chores, mundane stuff but in between, I have managed to crack an article writing course that I had enrolled for 3 years ago and have rediscovered the joys of being a bibliophile in the last  12 months. I consider that quite a  feat for a boring old homemaker! I am presently enjoying Ruskin Bond's subtle humour. Turning pages after all that scrolling is kind of rejuvenating. My very newly cultivated hobby - a potted garden is(tending to precisely 3 pots as of now) seeing me on cloud 9. There is that green and white croton, a Hibiscus plant and a Mogra plant. The huge pale pink and peach hibiscus blossoms are truly a sight for sore eyes.The croton perched on the ledge is a balm to the soul.My better - half gifted me what most women never ever have enough of - clothes and a visit to the salon. 
Here's  to another year of growth and expansion of only and only the grey matter and yes my potted

Friday, 7 July 2017

Not Quite the Garden of Eden.

After a 2-week computer malfunction, I am back to hammering at those keys. The rain  - gods are officially in town but we are still to bear the brunt of the full monsoon. The skies remain overcast with short, sharp intermittent showers.
The Monsoon brings with it, the colour green and the greenery seems infectious. Friends have been posting pictures of beautiful flowers and luscious fruits and I decide to try my hand at gardening.  Mom was an avid gardener many moons ago tending to an array of plants and taking pride in some bright and beautiful blossoms. I was not the least bit interested but today at  50plus am an aspiring green thumb. I live in an apartment in a big, noisy city and so have to make do with a potted garden. I bought two seasonal flowering plants - I am not even quite sure of their names.I was helped by the 18-year-old to set up the potted

garden.He has inherited grandma's love for plants.He has planted a tiny mint plant. The lack of space does not allow many pots or we must get down to some serious organising in the balcony.   There were pretty white flowers on one and yellow on the other. Sadly the plant with yellow flowers died  I did feel more than a tinge of disappointment.The other plant seems to be doing well. but what's that they say? "try try never say die!"Hopefully, I will be able to post pictures of my potted garden one day!

The Autobiography of An Old Fridge

My name is Allwyn Prestcold.I am milky white in colour, and my name is boldly emblazoned across my chest. I was bought by a newlywed couple ...