Tuesday, 4 April 2017

Of Empty Nests and Blissful Weekends.

March4th, 2017
 A weekend.A blissful'nothing - to -do take  - it -easy ' in the air.Easter is around the corner.  The employed generally catch up with household chores and the unemployed take a dive from the bore and chore that is housekeeping
I recently read a mother's blog about the empty nest syndrome and it sent me on a trip of my own.
Kids are my favourite people. I wanted 4 but stopped at 2. However, I cannot claim to be the perfect mother. I have been far from perfect.  21 years ago Significant - Other and I  were beside ourselves raising 2 boys. Like many grandmas,   their grandma too pitched in.  Today the bond between the grandkids and grandma is cast in iron.
I get all teary eyed and nostalgic as I leaf through the albums - baby pictures, school pictures, vacation pictures, fancy dress. There are so many memories and so many moments jostling for space in my heart and despite a tight squeeze, each memory and moment is gift wrapped and treasured and finds a place and is opened on dull dreary days.    I am reminded of Khalil Gibran beautiful verses on children...
Your children are not your children.
They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself.
They come through you but not from you,
And though they are with you yet they belong not to you...

Yes, they do not belong to me. They are creatures of independent body, soul and mind. I must let go for if I do not, I do not love them. There will be less stuff in the cupboards and drawers.  Our wallets may feel fuller and the laundry basket will look leaner. I will not have to tear my hair over the day's menu and break my head over what to pack in the lunch box and I  must find ways and means to fill that vacuum in my heart and mind until the next message, visit or call. 

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