Wednesday, 1 March 2017

And Life Goes On.

March 2nd,2017

Yesterday, the first day of a new month began on a spiritual note followed by lean meals all the day long. The significant  - other had rustled up some delicious dahi baath(curd - rice) while I cooked a dish of egg fried rice for the heirs to the throne. The teenager did not appreciate the egg fried rice and said that he felt he was consuming Jain food. I guess the rice turned out a little too bland for his 'spicy loving palate'.
The twenty-year-old, though a member of the youth choir is not very spiritually inclined, or so he says and had to be pushed to hear mass yesterday. I wonder for how long more I can push. Not being spiritually inclined is a malady affecting many young people these days.
My attempt at making aloo parathas for the boys' breakfast was nothing to write home about. The aloo mash turned out to be a soggy mess,  then there was no dhania - hubby dear had used the garnish(corriander leaves) to garnish something else.  This I was blissfully ignorant of and I sensed a sliver of irritation go up my spine. These little inconveniences are just something a homemaker has to learns to live with. There will always be that missing ingredient which you have to dash down tote shop in the corner.  Anyway, there I was at 9.30pm last night, gingerly rolling out the parathas, desperately trying to prevent the aloo mix from spilling out. Yes, why did I undertake this cumbersome task  the night before? I am not an early riser and cooking in the early hours is just not my cup of tea! I managed a few but this morning the verdict from the twenty year was far from good - All my trouble in vain.I am waiting for verdict no.2.
The rest of the day will see me tackling mundane chores and life goes on. .

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