As the Father of the nation
You are worthy of imitation.
Born in Porbandar, Gujarat
You won every Indian’s heart.
Peace and tolerance you preferred
Ahimsa was your watchword.
Barrister in South Africa
In India, you only used the charka.
Showed us how to spin our Khadi.
How to make our salt at Dandi.
Frail you were, and so bold
Bapu, the truth you always told.
It was the motto of your life
Also of Kasturba, your wife.
The British Raj you bravely resisted
That they 'Quit India,' you insisted.
Swaraj was close to your heart.
Hindu, Muslim bhai-bhai
Our country you worked to unify.
You dared to disobey the British regime
Your courage is held in high esteem.
You called Harijans the people of God
They, the scheduled castes over whom we trod.
You gave them dignity
But for your ideals, you died.
My “Experiments with Truth," the book you wrote
Your ‘simple living, high thinking,' we note
Great soul, such was your charisma
Now we call you Maha- Atma.
Image credit: Pixabay