Sunday, 24 September 2023

Adopt a Holistic Approach to Aging: Age gracefully.

 Ageing is as natural a process as the sun's rising and setting, and no one is spared. Can you come to terms with this inevitable part of life or do you spend your days counting your wrinkles and going on fad diets?

Embracing the fact that you aren’t as sprightly as a twenty-something and have to now take on certain physical and mental challenges would mean that you have decided to age gracefully and holistically. You want to be healthy and happy in these challenging years. Slowly and steadily you get down to adopting practices that help you navigate the inevitable occurrence of ageing. You strive to replace fear with hope. If you have ageing family members, then you help them move from negativity to positivity.

Ageing brings on a number of fears:

·       Declining health

L   Loss of independence

·       Lack of adequate funds

·       Living alone – loneliness and isolation

·       Death of a spouse or another family member

·       Diminishing memory

·       Fear of falling/illness

·       Being in the care of strangers


Tips for Holistic ageing:

·       Stay physically active: Your activity must not be restricted to only your daily exercise routine. You need to avoid being sedentary the entire day. Move, move, move! Move as much as you can.

·       Adequate and well–balanced nutrition: Let your plate take on a ‘rainbow’ look as you choose to eat more fruits and vegetables, decrease portions of other foods as well and reduce your intake of salt.

·       Prevention is better than cure: Create a safe home environment that will as far as possible keep falls at bay, see your doctor regularly and get screening done at regular intervals.

·       Adequate sleep: Pay attention to getting a good night’s rest and developing a bedtime routine conducive to sleep.

·       Cultivate relationships: Stay connected to family and friends that matter, virtually, if physically not possible.

·       Work your brain: Continue to use your mind as you age. Reading, writing, and crossword puzzles all nourish the brain and keep the mind active.

·       Nurture a hobby: Maintaining a hobby will add purpose to your life and make you happier.

·       Prioritize skin care:  Use gentler products on your skin, stay hydrated and get regular screenings for skin cancer.

·       Oral Care: Neglecting your teeth not only impacts your smile but also puts you at a risk of gum disease which can lead to other diseases. See a dentist regularly. Lessen sugary treats. 

·       Practice mindfulness: Mindfulness is accepting and living in the present moment without judgment. Practising mindfulness does its bit to smoothen the ageing process. It improves focus, betters memory, aids mental health and increases immunity. Meditation, yoga and colouring are some ways to practice mindfulness.

The challenges of ageing may unsettle you. Surround yourself with people you love, do things that you enjoy and never hesitate to reach out for help regarding your concerns. 

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My name is Allwyn Prestcold.I am milky white in colour, and my name is boldly emblazoned across my chest. I was bought by a newlywed couple ...