Monday, 19 June 2023

Memories so sweet...

 Dearest daddy,

                           Happy Father's Day in heaven! It's been 32 years since you left us and the day was even sadder because you departed on your wedding anniversary. Well, Mom's there up with you now. 

As I write this, the memories come tumbling out. My tall, burly, genial dad sporting his signature crew cut and khaki trousers riding his red and white Lambretta always a song on his lips and a smile for all. Your good humour cheered many. That Lambretta scooter gave me rides to school, church and college. Those were good days, Dad. Ah dad, you had the pleasure of signing the report cards when they were all bright and shining. Poor mom, she was given the dirty work!

You loved your darling wife, son and daughter to bits. To you, Mom was the best chef in the world but Dad sorry to say, your little girl doesn't much care for the kitchen. Ha Ha. By the way, I have inherited your booming voice which works to my advantage and disadvantage. It came in handy when the boys were young. 😆

You taught us well, Dad. Generous to a fault,(in spite of being taken for a ride once too often) you taught us to be humane and honest in our dealings. We strive to live by the values you inculcated in us but life is tough and we may falter.  Spirituality and academics were high on your list of priorities and I am eternally grateful for that. Hell or high water, the daily family prayer had to be recited and we went out to play only after homework was done. 

About that spanking...well, you certainly did not believe in sparing the rod and spoiling the child...Till today, I don't have a clue as to why I shed those copious tears all the way to school in that rickshaw. I was just 3.  The rickshaw wallah was at his wit's end. Post his complaint to you, I never shed a tear. 

Dad your protectiveness which bordered on overprotectiveness irked me immensely then.  When I look back today, I chuckle. However, you were a hands-on dad. You were always there guiding and mentoring my brother and me as we made the transition from child to teen to adult. You introduced me to the world of books and I cannot thank you enough for that. You hollered at me for talking too long on the phone. You were so proud of me, though I didn't have much to offer. 

We missed you at our weddings and you missed seeing all 6 grandsons. Dad, you're in our hearts forever. 

Love you, Dad,



This post is part of the Blogchatterbloghop prompt. 

Monday, 5 June 2023

He came home early


It was a match made in heaven and a fairy tale wedding. She willowy and beautiful,  he tall, muscular and handsome. They had been married for two happy years when he began to get restless and took to golf. He started to participate in out-of-town golf tournaments. Sheena was always left behind but he brought back expensive presents for her." I need some space Sheena," he brazenly told her.   She chatted nineteen – to – a dozen regaling him with tales of how she had spent the days that he was away. And he hung on to every word that she uttered.

She went away on some weekends to her mother’s house in a town about four hours away. She said that she wanted to give him some space and he rejoiced.

Then one day she broached the subject of having a child. He said that he would think about it. “Let’s enjoy ourselves, Sheena." Life went on…

Sheena and Rajiv came across as a very happily married couple. They went out on dates and holidays cleverly planned by Rajiv so that he could live by the adage, “Variety is the spice of life. Rajiv was the model husband at home. He helped Sheena with the dishes, bought the groceries, brought her, her morning cup of tea and generally fawned over her until…

   Sheena found a small diary that had fallen out of Rajiv’s pocket. She recognized one name. Rajiv had even introduced Archana to Sheena at a party. When they were married, he had declared that there would be no secrets between them and had spoken of his past loves including Archana. He had passed them off as mere infatuations.

Then they had their first big fight and Rajiv apologized and asked Sheena to forgive him. Sheena said that she would let it pass but in her heart, she knew the truth. The private investigator that she had hired was doing his job well.

A few days later, they made plans for Sheena’s birthday. Rajiv promised to come home early and take her out for dinner. Sheena went along with his plan but was hatching a perfect plan of her own.

Rajiv usually arrived home at 9 pm but today it was at 8 pm that he began to let himself into the house. The house was in darkness. He called out to Sheena.  An eerie silence greeted him. He groped his way to the switchboard and turned on the lights – Not in his wildest dreams was he prepared for the sight that met his eyes.

As he walked through the house following the trail of destruction, he was overcome with a sense of disbelief and horror. Broken glass lay strewn all over the floor, reflecting their now shattered marriage. Potted plants, the symbol of growth and life were lying uprooted, the soil scattered.Every corner of their home seemed to tell a tale of pain, grief, hurt and disappointment. 

Sheena’s closet was open and empty, Rajiv’s clothes were strewn on the bed and the floor and were stained and marred with spices and sauces, a bitter reminder of the meals she had so painstakingly prepared but that were hardly appreciated.  

Rajiv slowly walked back to the once plush sofa, now slashed and torn and read the note as he heard Sheena’s mocking voice, “Give my love to Archana.” Her wedding and engagement ring besides the note telling him that he was finally free to pursue Archana and many others.

 He continued to sit on the sofa, tears streaming down his face, as he was consumed by guilt and regret. The sun rose the next day, signifying the dawn of a new day but to Rajiv, it was just one of the many pain–filled days that were to follow.

Rajiv desperately tried to contact Sheena's friends and family but they professed not to know where she was. Private investigators came up with no leads. It seemed that Sheena had vanished without a trace. She had planned her revenge to expose his infidelity. He began to receive eerie phone calls and was haunted by her face and voice as he tossed and turned in bed.  He imagined her watching him from the shadows. 

Months passed by. Rajiv searched relentlessly for Sheena, desperate to make amends but in vain. The weight of his actions bore down on him and drove him to the brink of insanity. He became a shadow of his former self remaining isolated and withdrawn. Archana’s phone calls and messages went unanswered.

One stormy night, as he sat brooding and alone in his study, he was startled by a knock on the door. Apprehensively, he opened the door to find a man drenched in the rain holding a letter addressed to him. The man introduced himself as a private investigator. With trembling hands, he opened the letter.


           Don’t try to find me. I celebrated my birthday by giving myself a new lease of life. I executed my plan perfectly. 


Overwhelmed by remorse, he cursed the moment that he had reunited with Archana. He had never imagined that the consequences would be so grave.

Rajiv never saw or heard from Sheena again and the memory of her revenge haunted him till his last breath when the neighbours called the police to investigate the foul odour being emitted from the flat next door. Rajiv was found in a pool of blood with his throat slit.

This post is part of the bloghop

blogchatter featured campaign.  

The Autobiography of An Old Fridge

My name is Allwyn Prestcold.I am milky white in colour, and my name is boldly emblazoned across my chest. I was bought by a newlywed couple ...