Monday, 29 May 2023

My Cell Phone Doth Say

 You knew my ancestors

Then you got acquainted with me

I brought  to you

A whole  new world 

To experience and see. 

You text and forward

Call and search

Click selfies so many

Post a greeting or a prayer

Spicy gossip you do share.

I wake you up each morning

Lest you sleep all day.

You shop and pay your bills

Even order your pills

I guess I'm quite indispensable.

To your children

I'm a big distraction

You tear your hair in frustration.

When I ring

I'm often out of reach

Then we play a game of hide and seek. 

When I'm lost

You're so forlorn

I wish I could wipe your tears

As you think 

I'm forever gone. 

You've been advised 

Not to look at me

Soon after you awake.

And switch me off 

An hour before

You bid the day goodbye. 

It's hard, I know

To adhere to advice so severe

But use me well

And your life will be swell. 

Top post on Blogchatter

Saturday, 20 May 2023

Why do I need to organize and declutter



As I sifted through the belongings of my deceased mother, I was struck with wonder and awe. Mom had always been a stickler for cleanliness, neatness and order but I had no clue that she was organized to such a degree.

Bank documents, receipts and bills, keys, knitting needles, a stack of school report cards that belong to my brother and me, letters and old photographs all neatly packed and labelled and placed in boxes, envelopes and cupboards. I ought to hang my head in shame! Yes, I am trying hard to practice what I preach. This a beautiful legacy that she has left me.

Why Should I Declutter?

·        Free, clean, decluttered spaces at home and work improve the quality of my life. Clutter leads to chaos, stress, procrastination and unproductivity. It interferes with my thought process and I just can’t give my best.

·        Both physical and digital clutter makes it harder to find things leaving me feeling disorganized, frustrated and decreasing my productivity.

·        Decluttering my home gives me the space I need to function effectively and creates an organized and stress-free environment to live and work.  

·        As a content creator, I cannot afford to waste time searching for physical or digital items. Clutter will simply cause me to miss deadlines, lose stuff and work longer hours. I need to create in clean and uncluttered space and organize my stuff. More often than not, only when I am in the clean and clear will I be able to focus and produce engaging content.

 Hence, I need to ‘keep/donate/throw out stuff. I also would need to clear out mental clutter if I am to create quality content. If my mind is filled with useless negatives with regard to people and thoughts, I wouldn’t be able to produce a single positive thought.

Decluttering will fill me with some kind of calm and peace. It is definitely therapeutic and cathartic.  


This post is part of the Blogchatterbloghop featured category


Sunday, 7 May 2023

Against All odds

 Life's hardly a Bed of Roses

I must tackle a curve ball every day

Amid fear and hopelessness

Despair and frustration

Against all odds

I must stand straight and tall

I've got to keep the faith

Believe that it is not the end of it all

Never mind if situations resolve at their own pace

I'll simply carry on with God's abiding grace. 

This post is part of the blogchatterbloghop link. 

The Autobiography of An Old Fridge

My name is Allwyn Prestcold.I am milky white in colour, and my name is boldly emblazoned across my chest. I was bought by a newlywed couple ...