Tuesday, 19 May 2020

The Sunshine Flower

Walking through a field of gold
It is the sunflower that I behold
A golden-green delight 
She stretches out to the sun so bright.

This stately beauty 
Has so much to give
Oil and seeds 
To help us live.

Your winning ways
Make my day
 You are dear sunflower
So pretty, positive, generous  and gay!

Thursday, 30 April 2020

A Dayin my 'LOckdown' Life

Getting used to living life in a 'lockdown' took a while but once I accepted the idea, I have happily

fallen into a routine which will be hard to break post lockdown. 

Waking up to the sounds of birdsong,I head to the kitchen to start on my morning routine which includes drinking two glasses of lemon infused warm water. Sipping gently, I mentally run through the 'to - do' list for the day. The drink of water is followed by half-an -hour of breathing exercises and stretches and then I am ready to take on anything. 

This lockdown has hardly proved to be a holiday. There's just so much to do.Right from taking out the garbage to cooking, it is a packed day. Do I miss my maid? Initially I did but help from the husband and sons have made life easier.  The sons wake up at different times and generally prepare their own breakfast. Dosa, poha or sattu pancakes have become our staples.

After breakfast,  I keep my date with the broom and dustpan.Once the house is cleaned,  its time to get the food to the table. I am helped by my husband and between us we cook a dish or two. Under the present circumstances, we can hardly pander to each one's personal preferences. Its either take it or leave it. Somewhere during the day I have to fit in the laundry. Incidentally, the washing machine has decided to go under lockdown , so here I am  dealing with the laundry myself. I rope in one of the boys to hang the clothes out to dry. My precious plants get their share of attention

Evening find us sipping tea and then heading to the terrace for a mini walk. The limbs must keep moving.Dinner and then its a little fun time as I catch a couple of rom -coms to keep my spirits up  and of course,'laughter is the best medicine'. 

My 'just -before -going- to -bed' practices include a little prayer time, a few minutes of  left nostril breathing for good sleep and some reading. 

Sunday, 29 March 2020

Corona Times

The monster is here
Filling us with dread and fear
He is taking life and limb
Hardly sparing kith or kin.

We shall fight with all our might
To drive him out of sight.
Wash and clean
You must not be seen

Stay indoors
Get busy with your chores.
Pray for health
It indeed is the greatest wealth.

Stay safe, stay strong
The virus will soon be gone. 

Saturday, 14 March 2020


When the light of day softly fades away,
When that flaming ball of fire is all set to retire,
When children hasten home after play,
When Raven and Sparrow fly home yonder,
When bright city lights dispel the darkness of the night,
When the star spangled skies are a delight to the eyes,
When moon beams cast a silvery sheen.
When work is done and the day’s race is run
When we whisper a little prayer-
Thank you dear God, for your love and care.
Your blessings we seek everyday, everywhere

Sunday, 8 March 2020

To the ladies in my life.

 Standing tall in all her splendour

She makes your eyes pop with wonder,

Always multitasking, giving and caring,

Herself she is always sharing,

Daughter,sister, wife, mother, aunt, grandmother, friend,

So many roles

As she evolves and unfolds.

She is God's precious creation

She builds a home and a nation.

Long live her tribe
Let us her values and virtues imbibe.

Happy Women's Day!

Saturday, 29 February 2020

The honey called money.

A piece of paper with a number
That may bring you happiness
Or turn your life asunder.

It is so precious 
You cannot afford to be reckless
You don't want to miss that gorgeous necklace.

Earn, save and then spend
Must absolutely be your trend
You might not be helped by  a friend.

Help someone in need
Do not succumb to greed
Let that be your creed.

Friday, 24 January 2020


There are a zillion people on the planet

There is a  you and a me,

There is a he and a she,

There is a they and  a them,

And there is a 'we' and an 'us',

That sets the buzz.

It is  US  who stands strong,

It is US that makes right every wrong,

Together WE shall find the strength,

Together WE shall tackle every bend,

In US there is magic

Isn't that Fantastic?

Let US walk hand in hand

Bringing peace, justice and happiness to every land.

Saturday, 11 January 2020

Tring Tring!

 Tring tring!
Good, bad and sad news you did bring
You have forged friendships
You have mended broken relationship.

You have been privy to secrets galore, as whispers went to and fro.
Through you, moms have exchanged a recipe or two.

As a teenager,
Many a moment I have engaged in enjoyable chatter
Until I heard dad holler,
"When are you going to let go of that receiver?"

There are fewer of you today,
 Your counterpart, the mobile holds sway.
Looking at you
Fills us with nostalgia and  memories a hundred and two. 

Dear rotary phone,

Red, green or blue,
We will always miss you.

The Autobiography of An Old Fridge

My name is Allwyn Prestcold.I am milky white in colour, and my name is boldly emblazoned across my chest. I was bought by a newlywed couple ...