Wednesday, 11 September 2019

And I am back

And I am back..
                             My life changed on the April6th, 2019, when I was officially proclaimed 'sick' I am on
the road to wellness. It has been a long and anxious 5months but I am better now and hope to get completely well soon.

I have learnt that there is no greater wealth than good health. If you are healthy, you are strong, positive and happy. So take charge of your health.

Thanks to the awesome support that I received from friends and family, I was able to negotiate every twist and turn that the illness brought.

I learnt that self-pity is a total no-no and you just had to snap out of it.  Wallowing in self-pity just made you more sick and miserable.

Spiritually, it has brought me closer to God. I have begun reading the Bible and praying like I never have in my 55years.

Illness changes you in more ways than one. It may temporarily physically weaken you but will also bring to light changes that you may have to make in your lifestyle. Illness will also make you a stronger person both mentally and emotionally.

Oh yes! there are days, when the climb to good health may seem long and arduous when you want to give up, but you have to keep going  - summon every ounce of your strength and positivity and knock out every trace of the disease from your body.

Your body can heal itself. Take charge of your lifestyle and your food habits and keep disease at bay.

Hope and believe that you are going to get well and you will get well.

Borrowing a  phrase from Cancer warrior Sonali Bendre, I say, "switch on the sunshine'. 

The Autobiography of An Old Fridge

My name is Allwyn Prestcold.I am milky white in colour, and my name is boldly emblazoned across my chest. I was bought by a newlywed couple ...