Saturday, 23 September 2017


Three birthdays and too much cake in one week.The significant other turned 61(age is just a number, you say), there was a milestone birthday with the firstborn turning 21and it was the lucky and last teenage birthday of the junior sweet tooth.
 The milestone birthday made me realise that there is now technically one more adult at home. What's in store for me? I wonder.Three males - A twenty-one-year-old, a 19-year-old and a 61-year-old(read 16)I find myself pitted against 3 males!! One day at a time sweet Jesus!
 Death and destruction have marked the recent past. Innocent lives claimed by cowards. Will justice prevail? Will the criminals be brought to book?
 An outspoken journalist and activist is gunned down because she spoke her mind, a seven-year-old is brutally murdered because he fought his perverted assailant and a talented pianist allegedly jumps to his death. How more gruesome does it get? How many more precious lives will end before we are freed from the shackles of hate, jealousy, ego and pride? When will John Lennon's'Imagine'  become 'real'?    
As we lament this unnecessary loss of life, we rejoice at the release of an Indian  Catholic priest held captive by terrorists for more than a year. Praise God! 

Tuesday, 19 September 2017

From Children to Men - happy birthday

This is a milestone birthday and you are twenty-one.
from a baby with colic to a man of music,
The journey has sure been an exciting one.
Your childish chatter on tape is but a precious keepsake,
The years have flown; you, child have grown,
A man soon to come into his own. 

It was touch and go, but today you have so much to show.
 Life is sometimes an  uphill climb, just continue to smile, be gentle and kind
May happiness and good luck come knocking at your door.
May the good lord be with you wherever you go!

You came to us a good 40 days early. It seemed that you were not going to be with us for long - Nana said that you looked like a tiny black rat, with zero chances of survival but it has been 21 years and you are alive and kicking!
There were many, many moments of anxiety and fear but you little man, put up a brave fight and today we raise a toast to 21 years of 'awesome'. 
A powerhouse of talent you have excelled in almost every field, music being your alpha and omega. You were a tot of 8 when you sat crosslegged for your first music lesson. which left your music teacher in wonder. From the school stage to the choir to the Hard Rock  Cafe's, you have seen it all and done it all as your fingers fly over the keys of the piano or the keyboard. 
We praise the Lord for the talent that he has bestowed on you. Rock on son!!

WE  were blessed a second time - with a 2.75 kg bundle of joy.   

You have your own brand of humour dearest son,
Sometimes tearful and sometimes bubbling with fun
You have won over the hearts of everyone. 

You are nineteen and unique.
Enjoy the last of your teen year, soon it will be  through

Have fun in all that you do,

 May the good Lord rain  blessings down on you. 

Sunday, 3 September 2017

A Deluge Revisited

The city is back on its feet after the deluge last week. Water logging, flooding and a few untimely deaths because of negligence marked August 29th2017.  Mumbaikars relived July 2005 on August 29th 2017. The richest municipal corporation in India received the thrashing of its life from all quarters for its apathy towards the citizens and shoddy maintenance of infrastructure.Every time a deluge happens Mumbaikars experience a sense of Deja vu. Will the corporation ever learn or ever care? 
 As always, in these difficult times, the 'good -samaritan' spirit of the Mumbaikars comes to the fore. The numerous shelters that mushroomed were amazing and there have been testimonies to the same. 
 On one hand, we hail the famed Mumbaikar spirit which the municipal corporation seems to have taken for granted and on the other hand if  Mumbaikars practised a little more civic sense the city may not find itself in these hopeless situations. 
Civic sense and a greater responsibility on the part of the municipal corporation would make the city a better place altogether. 

The Autobiography of An Old Fridge

My name is Allwyn Prestcold.I am milky white in colour, and my name is boldly emblazoned across my chest. I was bought by a newlywed couple ...