Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Dear Mirror

Mirror mirror on the wall,

I think you don’t quite see it all
Silvered and salted hair I’d fain conceal
But my tender heart
Bydeeds I shall reveal.

Zeroing in on that extra inch or curve 
On the surface can’t you discern that steely nerve?
You dwell upon line and wrinkle
But don’t you miss the merry eyes that twinkle?

Never mind that double chin
There is a gentle woman hidden deep within
My jeans alas have gone three sizes larger
I don’t think I can stretch them any farther.

Mirror, dear mirror,
My sagging figure and face
I know too well have sadly fallen from grace
But underneath that drab and flab you see
Is a beautiful , warm and spirited me.

A daughter , a wife , a sister or a mother
To my parents, husband, children or brother
I bring to all I do the feminine touch
If not for me, their lives would lose so much.

One day at a time is all to which I aspire
In your esteem may I rise just a little higher?

Memory Lane

1.       Walking down memory lane,                                              
My heart wrenches in nostalgic pain,
At the thought it'll never, ever happen again.

My mind's eye sees flashes
Of faces and places long gone by...

Of classrooms and teachers;
Of ribbons and tiffins;
Of long, lazy summers and cosy, cuddled-up winters;

Of fairytale books and furtive looks;
Of junk food and pickles;
Of crushes and puppy love.

Of gully cricket;
Of being bitten by the chicken-pox bug;
Of lectures bunked and subjects, well,
- almost flunked

Of college picnics and movie tickets;
Of church choirs and sitting round the fire.

The voices, the choices, the favourite haunts
With friends I hung out with -

Once so near,
Now draw a wistful smile and
A bitter-sweet tear......

The Autobiography of An Old Fridge

My name is Allwyn Prestcold.I am milky white in colour, and my name is boldly emblazoned across my chest. I was bought by a newlywed couple ...