Wednesday 9 October 2024




It’s that time of the year

When festive chimes ring loud and clear

There’s magic in the air

Laughter and love are everywhere.


Cherished traditions adhered to

Clothes, brand new and of every hue

Decorations so pretty, lights so bright

Oh! What a wondrous sight

Folk send out wishes

For peace and prosperity.


Sweets and other culinary delights

To tickle your palate

You take more than just one bite

Forgetting about inches, weight and height.


Festivals are fun

There’s also song and dance

To cheer everyone.


So tap your feet

Partake of every treat

Let joy and unity 

Be your beat

Talk to the One above

Thank him for his generosity and love. 

Image credit: Pixabay






Wednesday 2 October 2024

The Unsent Letters



It was in college as freshers that Deepa and Anjali first met.Anjali was being teased by some seniors and Deepa came to her rescue asking that Anjali be left alone.  Then they found themselves sitting next to each other in a crowded classroom. Deepa, the bolder of the two, smiled and asked, “Hi, what’s your name?”. There was no turning back. From long chats in the canteen, and even longer chats on the phone to sleepovers, shopping expeditions, and discussing movies, books and clothes Deepa and Anjali became inseparable.

The years flew by. Deepa began working for a bank in another city, while Anjali secured employment in a bank in the same city.  

“I’m getting married”, Deepa yelled into the phone, one day.  “That’s great,” Anjali yelled back. “Congratulations! When is the big day?” Deepa had confided in Anjali about her blossoming romance with Ashok.

“It’s in two months. Mark the date on your calendar.” “I will, I will,” said Anjali excitedly.

  Ashok was the son of an extremely wealthy businessman. The two  had met at the party and cupid had struck. The wedding was the typical Big Fat Indian wedding with lots of dancing and lots to eat and drink. Deepa returned to her marital home in Kolkatta, while Anjali continued living and working in Ranchi.

Then, a couple of years later Anjali got married and moved to Mumbai. Her wedding wasn’t as big, grand and fat as Deepa’s. It was an arranged match and she was happy.  Deepa attended Anjali’s wedding alone in Ranchi bringing expensive gifts. “Ashok is travelling on business and could not make it, Deepa told Anjali. In the excitement of the wedding, Anjali did not think much about Deepa’s answer. The girls continued to keep in touch through letters and phone calls. 

Anjali began to notice subtle changes in Deepa’s conversations. “We loved the Swiss Alps she told Anjali or she bragged about the brand-new Audi in their garage. Anjali listened to her inane chatter as the seeds of a toxic relationship began to take root. She grew resentful and jealous and began to detest the narcissistic Deepa.  They no longer discussed books, movies or clothes. Their conversations were reduced to a monologue by Deepa with Anjali muttering a yes or no now and again.

Anjali was taking care of an unwell mother–in–law while dealing with a husband who had recently become unemployed, frustrated and depressed. She longed for a shoulder to cry on as the stress and strain of her life began to take a toll on her but every time she spoke with Deepa, she was left feeling empty, exhausted and more resentful.

After one such fruitless conversation, Anjali decided to write a letter to Deepa. She poured her heart out, telling Deepa of her struggles with finances and family and how she missed the ‘old wisecracking Deepa’ to whom she had confided her deepest darkest secrets.  She placed the letter on her dressing table to post it but the next day came and went and the next and the next…the sealed letter lay on the dressing table until Anjali shoved it into a drawer.” Would Deepa even open the envelope”, she wondered.

Little did she know that Deepa was struggling with her demons. Underneath that façade of an opulent life, lived a lonely girl whose husband travelled extensively on business and who had to find ways and means to entertain herself. Deepa lacked nothing in material wealth but was starved for affection and company.

“I wish Anjali were here”, said Deepa to herself wistfully as she sat on a sofa staring into space. Anjali had begun curtailing her calls and messages to Deepa, keeping communication to the bare minimum. Deepa slowly realized that she hadn’t been very empathetic towards Anjali’s plight. “I’ve been such a fool,” she thought to herself. “I’m surrounded by the best life has to offer but my heart aches for love and friendship. My so-called friends like me only for my wealth.”

The emotionally charged Deepa wrote a heartfelt letter to Anjali, asking for her forgiveness but could not bring herself to post the letter. “Will Anjali respond?” will she understand my struggles? Deepa shoved the letter into her cupboard.

The polite telephone calls and messages continued. Anjali was now more at peace because her husband had found employment and she was the mother of a bonny baby girl.

Deepa’s seemingly perfect life was turning into a nightmare. Her husband’s business began to suffer losses. They struggled to keep up appearances. Ashok and his father sold the business and looked at more profitable avenues. Eventually, the finances began to stabilize. To Deepa who had got accustomed to the wealth and splendour, this was a nightmare coming true. She had not envisioned going back to work. On one hand, she missed the luxurious life and on the other,

she longed for a true friend.  Inspired by Anjali, Deepa too began to work but more than work it was a friend that she needed, it was Anjali, she needed. She picked up the letter and reread it. Sadly, she wondered, “Will Anjali forgive me for my haughtiness and condescending attitude?” “ I am now in her shoes”.

Anjali often thought of Deepa, and wished that they could get back together. On a whim she dialled Deepa and after some initial awarkedness blurted out that she had missed her terribly. “I too have missed you, Anjali,” said Deepa in a choked voice. Then the floodgates opened and the two friends laid bare their struggles, insecurities and their judgements of each other. Between tears and laughter they told each other about their unsent letters and decided to tear them up.

Anjali and Deepa had rekindled the flame of their friendship. They did not go back to being the inseparable duo of their adolescence, but it was the start of a more endearing and supportive relationship.


Image credit : Pixabay




Tuesday 10 September 2024

The RK Laxman Museum and Art Gallery


The RK Laxman Museum and Art Gallery.

I was so happy to have had the opportunity to visit this wonderful museum in Pune, in February this year which is a must-see for all RK Laxman fans.  

The single artist, one-of-a-kind RK Laxman Museum and Art Gallery in Balewadi Pune is dedicated to the works and life of the renowned cartoonist RK Laxman. Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the Museum, which is a collaboration between the Government of Maharashtra and the Pune Municipal Corporation in March 2022.

The museum features an 8-foot bronze statue of the common man, atop the museum roof welcoming visitors.   Inside visitors are taken on a well-curated tour of several galleries showcasing Laxman’s career from illustrating books written by his brother, Rk Narayan to his caricatures of famous personalities, sketches of Lord Ganesha, cartoons of children and his favourite bird the crow. Additionally, some of Laxman’s work that couldn’t be accommodated indoors is exhibited on the walls outside the gallery in the museum’s compound.

An audio-visual room provides a commentary on the life of Rk Laxman, narrated by the ‘common man’ character.  The ‘common man’ was a cartoon character created by Laxman. Clad in a dhoti and plaid jacket the common man was a silent and puzzled spectator, registering the political events occurring in the country. The ‘common man’ represented the hopes aspirations, troubles and fears of the average Indian. The same was carried in a daily comic strip in the Times of India from 1951 and lasted for over five decades.  

The second audiovisual room features snippets of stories from Malgudi Days, written by his brother, RK. Narayan brought to life. The show concludes with the spotlight on a wax statue of RK Laxman sitting at his workstation.

Laxman’s last cartoon was created on December 20th, 2014. Laxman passed away on January 26th 2015 at the age of 93. His granddaughter Remanika carries forward his legacy by making the character of the common woman. 

This post is part of the #BlogchatterHalfMarathon2024 challenge. 

Image credit - from my personal collection





Monday 9 September 2024

Habits to Start Your Day With.

 Habits to start your day with


How you begin your day sets the tone for the rest of the day. Incorporating a few good and effective habits helps you have a more positive and productive day. Here are a few habits that help you with the same. One size doesn’t fit all, so find what works for you and incorporate them into your lifestyle.


·       Connect with nature - Open the blinds and look outside on waking up. Connect with the peaceful morning hours, letting in the fresh air and natural light, weather permitting. Resist the urge to grab your phone.

·       Prayer – Whisper a prayer of gratitude. Be thankful for the big and small blessings in your life. Repeat positive affirmations to motivate and boost your confidence for the day.

·       Make your bed – Making your bed sets your tone for the day. It is the first task of the day that you have accomplished which in turn will help you with other tasks. A well-made bed gives your room a neat, clean and relaxed look.

·       Hydrate – Drinking water the first thing in the morning, refreshes you. Reach for water before you can reach for your cup of tea or coffee.  Water also flushes out accumulated toxins and aids digestion.

·       Exercise – Getting on the treadmill, early in the morning might not suit everyone. You need to do just 5 minutes of stretches and bends to get yourself moving. Something is better than nothing.

·       Meditate - - Practice meditation or mindfulness. Meditation reduces your stress levels and calms your mind. It takes you to a place of peace.

·       Wake up at the same time every morning – Everyone is not an early bird but find a time that suits you and try waking up at that time every morning and going to sleep at a set time every night. The body gets into a rhythm that impacts your health positively. Waking up at different times will throw your day into disarray.

·       Reading – Reading is a great way to start your day. You could be inspired or informed thus boosting your creativity levels.

Setting a morning routine need not be challenging. A few do’s and don’ts in the morning will help you take on the day and make it a productive and positive day. Taking baby steps and gradually building up a routine would do you well. Experiment with different habits and find out what works for you. 

Which of these habits resonate with you or do you have another habit that works for you? 

This post is part of the #BlogchatterHalfMarathon2024

Image credit -From the personal collection of yours truly. 

Saturday 7 September 2024

Embracing Physical Imperfection: Turning flaws into strengths


I was born with a flawed right side – a pronounced limp in my right leg and a right hand that has very little strength to grasp and grip. So that makes me a southpaw for which I have received flak. Many are scandalized by the fact that I eat with my left hand. A cranky rickshaw driver once asked me to hand him the fare with my right hand and not my left. I take it all in my stride now. 

As a child, I was terribly conscious and embarrassed by the flaw, but that never stopped me from playing and running around.  I lack coordination of movement and hence have two left feet which means I cannot dance and just sit quietly at parties. I was also always eliminated from Sports Day March Past practice which made me feel bad. As a lector in church, I have to climb a couple of steps to reach the lectern and there again the limp is remarked upon.  I type with only my left hand and I’m doing well. Even today, I have people asking me about the limp and I patiently answer them, “No, I have not sustained it in an accident but it is a birth impairment."

 Nobody escapes being imperfect. Perfect pictures of men and women on social media could be the result of camera filters and other modern-day technology. Even if the pictures were real we do no need to feel insecure about our physical flaws. Instead accepting and embracing our flaws is a step in the right direction. We just have to change our perspective of looking at our flawed selves.

Time and the wisdom of age and self-acceptance have helped me come to terms with the flaw. I no longer feel the need to be perfect and am no longer embarrassed by the barrage of questions I am subjected to. It’s my life, and I’m living it well with my imperfect self. Perfection exists only in the dictionary of fools. To be human is to be imperfect.


How to Embrace Your Physical Flaws:


Don’t compare yourself to others

 Society is fixated on perfection.  that can make it challenging to embrace and accept your flaws. Comparing yourself to others is one of the worst things you can do to lower your self–esteem. Every one of us is different and unique. There very well could be an insecure person hiding behind that mask of perfectionism. Take stock of the things you don’t like about yourself and look at them differently. Flaws and struggles help you build character.


Practice Self-acceptance


Acknowledge your imperfections without judgment. Recognise that they are part of your unique self. Learn to accept and embrace the diversity of the human form.


Positivity is the key


Engage in positive affirmations and self-talk. Understand and know that your worth is not defined by your physical appearance, but rather by the person you are. Connect with positive people who accept you unconditionally and recognize your true worth.


Engage in self-care practices


Practice self-care to boost your confidence. Dress in a manner that makes you feel confident and secure and look good.


Shift Focus

Shift your focus to things that you love about yourself. Celebrate your talents, your values and your contribution to society.


Embracing your flaws is a journey of self-acceptance and loving yourself just the way you are. Fat or thin, lame or balding, each one has been blessed with qualities and talents that go far beyond physical appearance. Don’t care a dam about what society thinks or says. I'm grateful that my in-laws accepted me for who I am and my spouse and sons are pretty cool too. 


This post is part of the #BlogchatterHalfMarathon2024.

Image credit: picture from my personal album and creation on BE Funky by 'yours truly'



Thursday 5 September 2024

The Things I Love About Life

 The Things I Love About Life


Despite the many forms of ugliness prevalent in the world and the curve balls and lemons that life throws at me, testing my resilience and strength I love that life is still good to me and offers me so much in terms of beauty, joy and connection which makes the journey worthwhile. I enjoy all the material trappings that life provides, but there is so much more that doesn’t’ cost a penny, that life allows me to enjoy.

"What do I love about life?"


Family and friends:

I was born into a family that loved and cared for me. My parents inculcated values that have held me in good stead. I have been blessed with a good spouse and two great children. Despite the many challenges that we have faced, we are still family. I can boast of some beautiful friendships that have stood the test of time, distance and other factors. Life is beautiful. Besides loved ones, life sometimes sends strangers in strangers to help you. Such memorable moments. 


The beauty of nature:

Life has allowed me to enjoy the beauty of Mother Earth. From the oceans, forests,  mountains, flora and fauna to the trees outside my window, it truly is a beautiful world. It’s lovely to wake up to sunshine each morning or to gaze at the silvery moon and the stars at night. I love the walks I can take in the numerous parks and gardens, as I commune with nature. 


Learning and Growth:

 Life has presented me with quite a few lemons, but with each lemon, there has been an opportunity for learning and growth. Each challenge has made me wiser and stronger. Life does not stunt my growth. It allows me to forge ahead, to try again and try the new.



I’ve never gone to bed hungry. Besides home food, I  also enjoy the luxury of trying out various cuisines at home and when dining out.


Adventure and travel:

I am a travel buff and life allows me to explore my motherland and beyond treating me to scenic beauty, monuments, adventure, new cultures and perspectives.


Creativity and Expression:

Life offers me mediums to create and express my thoughts. To name a few, there is art, music and writing through which I can convey my thoughts and emotions to the world.


Laughter and Smiles:

Life ensures that precious moments bring a smile to my face or big fat guffaws of heartwarming laughter.



When I plunge into darkness and despair, life sends me those precious glimmers of hope which help me stay afloat. These beacons of light guide me during the fiercest of storms and give me the courage and strength to keep moving.


life has provided for the bookworm in me. There are so many books and so little time. A book a day keeps the blues away. Life has given me books in all forms. I'm spoilt for choice. 

Only focusing on the difficult parts of life, is miserable. Finding joy in life is going to make me happier and healthier.


What are your favourite things about life? 

This post is part of the BlogChatterHalfMarathon2024

Image credits : picture gallery of ' yours truly.' 


Wednesday 4 September 2024

Decoding Self-love

Best–selling author, Robin Sharma, drives home the importance of self-love when he says, “It is only when you have mastered the art of loving yourself can you truly love others. "Some folk opine that self-love may have a narcissistic quality, but self-love is certainly not narcissistic. It is an ongoing journey, that one must embrace for all aspects of self-development. 

Defining self-love:


Self–love is the practice of accepting, embracing and treating your flawed self with kindness, compassion, understanding and recognizing your worth, values and weaknesses while nurturing and maintaining a healthy and positive relationship with yourself.  When you love yourself, you will take steps to care for yourself.


Self-love incorporates practicing:


Self-acceptance-Embracing and accepting the whole package that is you which includes your uniqueness and strengths together with your imperfections and flaws. You leave regrets behind and concentrate on building yourself up.


Self-care –You practice self-care by taking steps to improve your physical, mental and emotional health only when you love yourself.


Self–compassion – Treating yourself with kindness, compassion, patience and understanding, while not berating yourself but forgiving yourself for mistakes and not being judgemental of yourself is another aspect of self-love.


 Self-awareness – When you love yourself, you will attempt to understand your thoughts, emotions, actions and reactions and come to know how others perceive you. You will be a happier person and enjoy better relationships.  


Self–love then is no narcissism. It is as essential as the air you breathe and the food you eat. Embracing self-love requires patience and dedication. When you love yourself, you will see a reflection of that love in your relationships and the world around you. Never stop loving yourself and embracing all that is you.


images credit : Pixabay

This post is part of the #blogchatterHalfMarathon2024




  Festivals   It’s that time of the year When festive chimes ring loud and clear There’s magic in the air Laughter and love are ev...