Monday 20 May 2024

You were cleaning under the bed when you heard a squeal.

 One fine morning, I decided to get down to cleaning and decluttering stuff that lay beneath my bed. It was a task that I had procrastinated for far too long.

I went down on my fours, pulling out dusty boxes and clearing cobwebs. As I pulled out and went through the boxes, I felt a huge wave of nostalgia wash over me. Each box held items that connected me to my past. Cards, letters, diaries, clothing and other memorabilia.  

My mind drifted back to friendships that had shaped my life. Some have fallen by the wayside and some still thrived. One particular friendship stood out from among the rest. Despite the miles that separate us, Celia remains a close friend and confidante. We’ve shared so much.

Lost in my reverie, I stumbled upon a neatly wrapped brown paper package. My excitement is akin to an athlete approaching his finish line. I tore open the wrapping and heard myself squealing loudly in delight as I gazed at what lay before me. My husband asked me if I’d found a pot of gold. What I’d found was worth more than all the pots of gold in the world.  (Dusting and decluttering forgotten) It was a delicate toy tea set adorned with a beautiful blue and beige pattern of flowers that Celia had gifted me as a birthday present when we were in the sixth grade. The set was a wee bit chipped and a couple of cups and saucers were missing but to me, it was the most beautiful tea set I’d ever seen.  I traced the chipped edges giving thanks for this wonderful friendship. The edges of the tea set may have chipped but the friendship was intact. The tea set has once again been carefully wrapped and nestles in the recesses

of my closet. 

A task most mundane turned into a celebration of cherished memories and an enduring friendship.




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Saturday 11 May 2024

4 Tips to Make Your Wardrobe Sustainable in Every Season


Sustainable fashion or slow fashion brands adhere to ethical practices in sourcing, production, distribution and marketing of their products to reduce the environmental impact on our planet and promote ethical fashion.

Sustainable fashion aims to reduce the amount of clothing dumped into landfills. This can be achieved by supporting circular economy skills where clothing is designed to be reused, repaired or recycled. Consumers in turn can do their bit to practice sustainability in fashion by adopting the following:


  Quality over Quantity – Buy fewer but good quality clothes from brands that use eco-friendly fabrics, and opt for versatile items, that can be mixed and matched. It would also be a good idea to declutter your wardrobe by selling or donating clothes you no longer use. Good quality clothes may come with a higher price tag but will work to the consumers' advantage in the long run. Some eco-friendly fabrics are organic cotton, recycled cotton, hemp, linen and bamboo linen.

·        Support second-hand – Investing in second-hand garments and visiting thrift stores can help reduce waste.

·        Repair and mend – Instead of discarding clothing with minor wear and tear, get them mended or learn basic sewing skills.

·        "Take care of your clothes."      Storing your clothes well in your wardrobe or in breathable storage bags or containers is important. Rotate seasonal clothing to prevent overuse and store off-season clothing to maintain longevity. Avoid frequent washing to maintain the quality of your clothes while keeping them away from direct sunlight and moisture.  Additionally, air drying your clothes is a better option as far as possible.  


As consumers, we play a significant role in dictating fashion trends. By educating and informing ourselves about developments in the fashion industry, we can make informed choices and thereby contribute to a better ecosystem.  

Image credit: Freepik. com

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Monday 6 May 2024

Outside My Window


Outside my window

Coconut palms gently sway

Little Squirrels scamper, hard at play

Crows caw loud and clear

Birdsong brings much cheer. 


Flecks of gold on pretty dancing leaves

As sunlight peeps through the trees

Cotton clouds decorate the blue sky.  


Oh! What a wonderful view

To wake up to

I’m happy

And I hope, so are you. 


Friday 26 April 2024

Anger and more

 ·        ·         Anger and more.

Anger is an intense emotional state that results in negative behaviour. This emotion can become destructive if not controlled. Anger ranges from a minor fleeting annoyance to full-fledged rage. While it is completely normal to harbour anger, it is important to heal from the situation and let the anger go. Healing doesn't mean that the damage never existed. It means that the damage doesn't control your life anymore.
People often remain angry with the other person because of how they have interpreted the other person's actions or words.
Anger causes physiological and biological changes like a rise in blood pressure and energy levels,
A specific relationship, event or situation can make you angry. It's best that you learn to manage your anger before it takes control of you.
Unexpressed anger can lead to issues of passive-aggressive behaviour.

“What does anger look like?”
Using bad/ curse words
Breaking things

Life's like that

·         It's okay to have a bad day

·         Everybody makes mistakes

·         Nothing is perfect

·         Taking a break is perfectly okay

·         You are stronger than you think

·         It's okay to ask for help.



How to Manage Your Anger:


1.     Think and then speak – When you are angry, you may generally say something you regret. Collect your thoughts, and then speak. Take to speaking, only once you have calmed down. Express your concerns and allow the other person to do likewise.

2.    Exercise – When angry, resort to exercise to reduce stress levels. Take a long, brisk walk or indulge in any other physical activity.

3.    Look at solutions – Instead of focusing on the triggers, look for solutions to manage your anger. Some situations may just be beyond your control. You need to learn to walk away from them and accept that the situation cannot be changed.

4.    When angry, stick with ‘I’ – Criticism and blame do nothing to ease the situation. Use ‘I’ to describe the situation. Instead of saying, “You never help me with the household chores” say “I am upset that you never help me with the household chores.

5.    Don’t hold grudges – Forgiveness is a powerful tool to manage your anger. Make every effort to eliminate feelings of bitterness and resentment. Forgiveness brings healing and may even strengthen the relationship.

6.    Humour helps – Difficult as it may be, try and see the humour in the situation. To cool down, watch a comedy show, or read a funny book. Do anything that involves humour.

7.    Practice relaxation – Deep breathing exercises, listening to music, or journaling help you to manage your anger.

8.    Seek help – When you find yourself flying off the handle at the least provocation and it is becoming increasingly difficult for you to control your anger, consider seeking professional help.



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Tuesday 16 April 2024

Benefits of Meditation


Benefits of Meditation


Are you anxious and stressed? Meditation may help you relieve stress, and anxiety and help you attain the peace and calm that you so desire.

Meditation is when you clear your mind of random thoughts and focus on one particular thought to attain a mentally and emotionally clear and calm state.

The practice of Meditation has been present since time immemorial. In the days of yore, it was mainly meant to understand the sacred and spiritual aspects of life. Today, meditation is mainly used to calm the mind and lower stress levels.

Anybody can meditate anywhere. You can meditate on a bus or a plane or even in a waiting room or as you walk. It is inexpensive and doesn’t require any special equipment.


Benefits of meditation:

·       Looking at stress in a new and positive way

·       Building skills to manage stress

·       Becoming more aware of the present

·       Lessening of negative thoughts

·       Increasing patience levels

·       Better quality of sleep

Mediation also helps in certain illnesses like asthma, Cancer, chronic pain, depression, anxiety, hypertension, headaches and gut health.


Types of meditation:

Guided meditation: When you practice guided meditation, you form mental images of places or things that help you relax. You use as many senses as possible and may be taken through the session by a teacher or instructor.

Mantra Meditation: Mantra meditation is when you repeat a particular word or thought that helps you relax and keep out insignificant thoughts that may crowd your mind.

Mindfulness meditation: This is centered around present–moment awareness.  You could focus on your breath. Thoughts and feelings are bound to occur but you let them pass without judgment.

Yoga  - You do a series of postures and control your breathing. You experience a sense of calm and peace in the process.


Ways to incorporate meditation in your daily life:

Deep breathing is ideal for beginners because breathing is a natural function.

Repeat a mantra: You repeatedly invoke the name of God or anything that you find appropriate

Walking: When walking and meditating, walk slowly, don’t focus on where you are going but on the movement of your feet, and the sights and smells around you.

Pray: You can either read written prayers or pray spontaneously. Listening to hymns and spiritual music is a form of meditation.

One type of meditation may not suit all. Don’t focus on the right way to meditate but find something you are comfortable with.


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Tuesday 5 March 2024

Living Room Banter

 The piano looked at the new smart TV that had just been mounted on the wall and sneered to itself, " Oh! that's another screen for the family to watch, and a big one too. How they spoil their eyes!"

The piano greeted the TV condescendingly, "Hi! Welcome to the living room, so you're going to be providing some more entertainment to the family."
"Ah yes," replied the TV smugly,  "the poor things are so tired at the end of the day, they just long to put their feet up and relax." "I have so much to offer. "Just to inform you, I am a SMART TV which means that I am a combination of a television, computer and digital media players with an integrated Internet connection."  

The piano smirked -"Oh Yes! That's quite a package."  

The TV asked,  "What do you offer?"

The piano proudly replied,  "Music, beautiful music. I'm the baby of the house. "I'm a baby grand piano and the love of my master's life. He just can't get enough of me. He's learnt to play me and prefers to practice on me rather than my cousin, the electronic piano.  What can you do besides making a lot of noise?"

The TV retorted - "You said and I say, I have so many different channels. I can make people laugh, sing, dance. I educate, entertain and inform. You can only produce music." 

The piano boasted-  "One must know and love music to appreciate the music that I can make."

The TV replied - "You must agree that we both can produce music but in different ways.  You have to be played to make music and I just have to be turned on to make music. Getting you to  sound good requires so much effort and skill and when you are being played I have to be switched off."

The piano quipped - "People must attend classes to learn how to play me and some even take the exams, while you, you are just an old dumb box...Idiot box they call you." "Anybody can turn you off and on."
 The TV shrugged and said, "Ho hum! Let's not squabble. We are of use in our own ways. "You are 'grand' and I am 'smart' and if we are to exist in the same room, let's exist peacefully. Peace is the need of the hour. Let's make peace instead of war." 

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Saturday 2 March 2024

Ode To Your Favourite Beverage

Top post on Blogchatter
You are a beverage so fine,
so dear and so divine.
Black or creamy or white,
Coffee, you always feel so right.

As the water bubbles,
And I spoon you in,
Just your aroma
Makes me want to sing.

Each morning when I rise,
it’s on you that I want to set my eyes.
You perk me up and make me smile,
you’re my cup of joy
Morning, noon and eventide.

What's your favourite beverage?

image credit - Pixabay


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Friday 1 March 2024

Four Values That I believe In.

 Honesty – Honesty is the best policy but a rare commodity today. When you are honest, you have more credibility. People can trust you and communicate with you better. When you maintain absolute transparency in your dealings, you endear yourself to others. Honesty may come with a price. You may not receive honesty in return. It’ 's a big bad world out there and some people are waiting, ready to take advantage of you.

Kindness – Kindness is about treating others the way you would want them to treat you. It’s about treating others with respect, patience and thoughtfulness. Kindness is also about lifting others up and helping those in difficult predicaments without expecting anything in return. 


Integrity – If you are a person of integrity you will act and speak according to your beliefs. You are trustworthy and incorruptible and will firmly adhere to a code of conduct. When your actions do not match up to your words, you are being hypocritical. If you are not comfortable, you would have to change your beliefs, actions or words.

Gratitude – Being grateful adds so much value to your life. When you give thanks for even the tiniest of blessings, it creates such good vibes and adds to your goodwill. Just as you appreciate the goodness of God and of others in your life, others too will appreciate your presence in their lives.

When gratitude is important to you, you make time to express it in your words, your attitude or your actions. You might maintain a gratitude journal and write down the blessings for the day. As we are so wont to complain about the dark days in our lives, we must also take time to be thankful for the sunshine and warmth that is bestowed on us.


Forgiveness- Forgiveness means letting go of the hurt that someone may he inflicted on you. It does not mean making light of the person's offence but acknowledging that even though the person has hurt you, you are reclaiming your power choosing happiness and peace for yourself, instead of wallowing in a pool of misery, stress and resentment.

Everyone can hurt and forgive but not everyone can cultivate the virtue of forgiveness.

In conclusion, Honesty, integrity, gratitude, forgiveness and kindness are essential values that can enhance the quality of our lives and the quality of our relationships with others. 
It may not always be easy but living by these principles and values helps us to make the world a better place. 

What are the values that are important to you? 

Image from Pixabay

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Friday 26 January 2024

Your Mantra For A good Night's Sleep

 Sleep Like a Baby

This one is close to my heart as ill health and the subsequent guidance revealed to me the importance of sleep.

Sleep is a human need and an inbuilt mechanism. Research today indicates the importance of sleep and its link to the immune system. Sleep rejuvenates, strengthens and repairs our immune system. If you aren’t getting the recommended 8 hours of sleep you are putting yourself at a risk of illness and disease. You may be eating right and exercising right, but if you are sleep-deprived, you are damaging your immune system in a big way. Besides you need to sleep to function effectively.  Of the 24 hours that have been given to us, we must put aside 8 hours for sleep.

Healing and recovery take place when the body is at complete rest. So get your ZZZZ and if you can’t, here are a few tips that could help you get that good night of rest.


Gadget Free Time – Disconnect from all gadgets an hour before bedtime. Melatonin, a sleep and immunity-boosting hormone is activated only in the dark. The blue light from the screen hinders the production of Melatonin. That golden hour can be used to meditate, read, write or work on your breathing.

Breathing – Breathwork is a simple and effective way to reduce stress levels and transfer into rest mode.  Left nostril breathing in particular works like magic. Sit straight, close your right nostril and inhale and exhale from your left nostril for 15 to 20 counts. It may take time to see results but consistency is the key.

 Darken your room – Turn off lights. Slivers of light may creep in from here and there but do as much as possible. Wear eye pads if you must. It is important to wake up to sunlight which helps regulate our circadian rhythm. Try to avoid looking at your phone for at least an hour after waking up. Devote the time to prayer, meditation exercise and anything that may build you up for the day.

Maintaining a consistent bedtime–Train your body to sleep at the same time every day. Irregular sleep timings confuse the body.

Start your day with sunlight and fresh air. Keep the phone away for at least an hour. Focus on prayer, meditation exercises and anything that may build you up for the day.

      Additionally, eating a light dinner at least 2 hours before bedtime and incorporating movement into your daily routine is sure to promote better sleep.  

In conclusion, getting a good night’s sleep should be a priority. By implementing these tips, you can improve the quality of your sleep and strengthen your immune system to ward off disease. A lifestyle change will help you get off sleep medications and enjoy a good night’s sleep.

Remember, giving sleep the importance it deserves can make a significant difference to your overall health. 

This post is a part of the weekly Blogchatter bloghop prompt. 

Image from Unsplash.

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Tuesday 23 January 2024

Love, sweet love #Remembering Love Bloghop

I Love You         


You’re the love of my life,

My source of joy, my inner strength,

My dream every night.


You’re the light I seek,

The friend I want to keep.

You understand,

You make no demands.


You listen, you appreciate,

Yet you’re my toughest critic,

That’s a blessing I don’t want to forsake.


We share our dreams and our fears,

Helping each other through the years,

We argue and disagree,

Yes, love is not easy.


I’m flawed and so are you

But the love we share

It is sweet and true.


And so I say, again and again,

I love you now and forever more.

My lover and my partner,

Together we shall soar.

Tips to help you improve your love life.

§  You prioritize your partner’s happiness before your own.

§  You love unconditionally, quirks and flaws and work around them to ensure a peaceful and long-lasting relationship.

§  You allow your partner enough time and space for themselves.

§  You’re both, your partner's toughest critic and greatest fan.

§  You believe that actions speak louder than words.

§  You tend to your unwell partner, even waking up in the middle of the night, despite being tired.

§  You stand by the love of your life in their darkest hour and celebrate their achievements.

§  You share a laugh with your sweetheart, not at their expense.


L Love is a beautiful emotion, but not as straightforward as we would like it to be. 💑Relationships need to be sustained and never taken for granted. 💓So if you are in love, may you continue to appreciate and cherish your partner and if you are looking for love may you find the love of your life.💘

HHappy Valentine's Day!💕

TThis post is part of the 'RememberingLove'BlogHop hosted by Manali Desai and Sukaina Majeed.

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Sunday 14 January 2024

Adulting hacks I swear By

 Any kind of transition always has teething problems but in time you get around the transition and settle down. Transitioning to adulthood and maintaining an adult mindset requires effort. Adulting is a continuous learning process bringing with it a fair share of challenges. Read on to discover hacks that help you transition or improve the quality of your life as an adult. 


Wake up to reality: Remain disconnected from the virtual world for at least an hour when you wake up. Pray, meditate and read to set your mind for the day. Mindless scrolling and sending wishes do nothing for the health of your brain.

Exercise – “Movement is medicine,” say wellness coaches. So move, move, and move. Schedule a time for exercise and choose a physical activity that you enjoy.

Cultivate a hobby –Paint, dance, sing, get a plant or a fish. Hobbies reduce stress and promote relaxation.

Manage your finances – Take control of your spending habits. Minimize extravagance. In my home, the expenses for the day are noted down daily in a diary. Once at the end of the month, we know how much we have spent during the month. A friend recently realised that she had gone swipe-happy. 2024 sees her carrying a limited amount of cash and less plastic.  “It was so easy to swipe,” she said.

Prioritize health – Your health is your greatest wealth – Take the necessary precautions and examinations. Don’t self–medicate. Make the required changes in your lifestyle, eat healthy to the best of your ability and laugh. Clichéd as it may be, laughter is the best medicine.

Stay organized – Staying organised helps you achieve your goals, maintain a good work-life balance, reduce stress and enhance your focus. Make lists, make your bed, wash your dishes and do your laundry as promptly as you can. Additionally, reducing clutter helps to maintain a clean and organized environment.

Taking ownership – As an adult, you are called to take responsibility and ownership for your actions and words, be humble enough to apologise and stop playing the blame game.

Don’t force people to like you – it is okay if people don’t like you. Everyone is entitled to their preferences and opinions.  You have nothing to lose by being yourself.

Learn to say “no” – It’s important to prioritize your time and energy and say “no” when necessary. You cannot please all the people all the time.  Saying no helps you avoid feeling overwhelmed and overcommitted.

Meal Preparation – Planning your meals and getting together the ingredients in advance gives you so much more time. You will not go around like you have a bee in your bonnet. Relaxed will be the mood and tone for the day.

Professional development- Don’t stop learning. Keep yourself updated and enhance your skills by attending seminars, webinars and workshops.

Have Fun- Being an adult doesn’t mean you have to walk around with a long face and work, work, work. Make time for fun. The same old will tell upon you in time. Meeting up with friends, watching a movie or indulging in a little self-love does wonders for your body, mind and spirit.

Happy Adulting!

I would love to hear about hacks that work for you. 

This post is part of the weekly Blogchatter Blog Hop prompts.

Image created by yours truly on Canva. 

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